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Girl Power: We Can Do It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


Why is it that my fifteen-year-old brother can spend an entire day eating bags of Oreos, Doritos, and Goldfish and still order extra fries and a shake when we go out for dinner? And why is that every time I walk into my boyfriend’s apartment, he and his roommates are downing bags of chips or sticking their faces in bowls of Ramen Noodles? The last time I was allowed to eat those I was ten years old and barely hit puberty….

Not only is this gross, which is expected because yah they’re boys, but it is completely unfair because no way in hell of all hells could I sit on the couch at 1:00 in the morning and eat whatever I please and still maintain the same weight and healthy body.

What seems to be one of maybe the most frustrating topics of diet and weight loss is that boys seem to be able to eat close to whatever they want, and burn fat more quickly than most women. Why is it that we got stuck with all the stubborn fat and genes while they get to like always, do whatever they want without consequences? God what it would be like to be a boy…

Here are some facts that we first need to understand. Males have more muscle mass and therefore burn about 20 percent more calories doing absolutely nothing. Typical. Not only do they usually have more muscle content, but they are also usually taller which further extends the calories they can consume being 6ft, verses a woman who is on average 5ft 4 inches.

Studies have shown that having cravings and hunger can be a result of a women’s ability to get pregnant. When food is present, most women feel the urge to eat it because our hormones react differently with the part of the brain linked to triggering or suppressing hunger. Women are predisposed to store fat due to the fact that we simply have estrogen so it is easier to get pregnant…when the time comes.

However, these are not reasons to give up. If anything, they are reasons to push harder to prove we can be just as strong as any stupid boy thinking he’s cool because he can beat you at a push up contest.

Why don’t you try taking a ballet class and stand on your toes for ten million hours and then talk to me. Thought so.

Realize that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn while you are just sitting around. Therefore it is crucial to include strengthening routines into your workout at least three times a week. DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE WEIGHT LIFTING ROOM. Yah its full of sweaty guys with their shirts off making grunting noises and thinking they’re the freaken Hulk, but hey it’s a room full of shirtless guys. Don’t be afraid to prove you are just as strong and just as capable. Bring a couple girl friends and wear extra tight shorts that day, I promise the boys wont mind it.

Lift some weights, take a Pilates class, do some leg raises and squats, really let your body access those muscles and reform and shape them. The burn you feel during a bicep curl is your muscle literally breaking, and then later on rebuilding into what becomes a beautifully sculpted arm.

Also, whether you like it or not we are prone to crave food…a lot of food. This is just something we must be aware of and try and control as best we can. As I’ve always said in my articles, restricting yourself completely from any food is not the right answer. But eat what will be most beneficial to you. Carbs are not so bad if you’re going to do an intense workout that day. In fact, carbs are a necessity because they provide you with the energy you will need to push yourself. Just try stick to whole grains, and if you are trying to cut back, maybe only eat them earlier on in the day and switch to a salad or some grilled vegies and chicken for dinner.

But don’t worry, male or female, your bodies respond to what you give it. Boys may be fine eating what they want for now because their metabolisms are still working up to par, but over time this won’t always be the case. And it is in my opinion more important to mentally train your mind to know what to eat and what to do, so that in the future eating healthy and maintaining fitness will not only become a habit, but a lifestyle.

Instead of looking at eating healthy as a punishment, let it empower you. Know that by you not eating those French fries or that ice cream you are building a healthier you and the boys over there stuffing them into their faces are just screwing themselves over.

So put on your spanx, a tight shirt, a little mascara won’t hurt either, and get your tight little butt to the gym. Nothing is more empowering than that of a girl in tight shorts. I’d like to see the boys try it sometime…

Show them how it’s done ladies. 

Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com