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Food: Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


You just finished class and walk into the nearest cafe to drown yourself in coffee before you fall to the ground of exhaustion. As you near the counter you see the numerous amounts of pastries, muffins, bagels, cake, cookies… every delicious thing you could think of; all just a whopping 500 calories worth.

            But who really thinks those numbers are accurate anyways…

            “What can I get for you today miss?” asks the cute guy at Starbucks.

            Ahh. I’d like half a cup of you with some extra you and some you on the side.

            “Um just a black coffee please…and maybe umm….”


            “Uhh….that’s it. Thanks.”

So who has been in this situation? Because this is the hell I go through every morning. Every morning not allowing myself to purchase those baked goods practically calling out my name. It’s like a boy texting you every second to come over.

            “I just want to cuddle is all.” HA. That’s a good one.

            The main point I’m trying to get out is it takes a certain kind of person and discipline to eat healthy and resist the temptation to give into your cravings.

Lately, it has become harder and harder to say no and I just have to let all of you out there going through same thing as me know that I am here for you.

You are not alone.

First things first we need to come up with a plan. A reason for motivation. A reason to say no. Okay so obviously Halloween is yet to be over since if you are in a sorority like myself, every weekend is basically filled with a costume, and by that I mean a lack of clothing with some bunny ears on top. So yah: Halloween.

And even if you’re not; people tend to wear a much smaller amount of clothing during college weekends then other’s in the world… Not sure if anyone’s noticed the girl in booty shorts in 30 degree weather yet? Hi, you’re insane.

So motivation number 1: to look good and to feel good in the unique attire we all wear on campus. Feeling good is even more of a motivation. Imagine how good it will feel to wear a tight dress and not have to suck in the entire night. Not only is this a more comfortable option, but probably safer considering breathing is kind of a requirement of life…

But in all seriousness feeling good about yourself and how you look in clothes makes a huge difference to how you much fun you are going to have, how social you are going to be, and how confident you will feel. And I am by no means saying don’t eat (PLEASE EAT), but just consider what you are eating and how that is going to affect the rest of your day.

For example, I know that certain foods will make me bloated; anything with a high sodium content such as any processed foods, chips, certain salad dressings and sauces, cheese, and even deli meet. And even certain vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, etc. can irritate your GI track causing you to be gassy (I know gross) and very uncomfortable. Also raw vegetables tend to take up more room in your GI tract so try stick to cooked vegetables instead.  A good trick is to lighten your carbohydrate load for that day. Although your body needs carbohydrates to burn fuel, unless you plan on running a marathon that day, which hey could be the case, lay off the carbs and your body will potentially learn to burn off these carbs along with the fluid stored with it, helping you feel less bloated.

Something most people don’t know is that acidic drinks such as coffee, tea, and even fruit juice can cause irritation and swelling making you feel bloated and heavy. And most importantly stay away from fried food. This kind of fat is digested much slower in the body leaving you feeling heavy and basically disgusting. Just stay away from the fries. There’s no getting around that.

Although not everyday needs to be a huge preparation for the skimpy (just being honest here) clothes you are about to slip on that night, it is important to be aware and understand what is healthy for your body and what makes it feel good. Diet and nutrition are not just about looking good and being “skinny”, but building confidence in your own image. Being able to wear whatever you want and feel good in it. Being able to look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with who you are.

Try it out. Test out foods and see what works best for you. Of course everyone is entitled to a treat now and then, some more then a few (if you have the genetics of a super model). Regardless it isn’t all about weight management or trying to fit into a pair of jeans. It’s shaping your mind and understanding of nutrition and how food cannot only physically affect you, but also mentally.

So next time you go to that coffee shop and the cute boy asks you if all you want is a cup of coffee I hope you smile and confidently say “hell f****ing yes” and then maybe even write your number down on the receipt you had to sign. If you’re feeling lucky (which you should be since you are strong, healthy, and freaken sexy). 

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My name is Remy Kam. I am 19 years old, from Los Angeles, California, and attend The University of Wisconsin - Madison. I have danced for most of my life, but now mostly focus on fitness classes. I love anything to do with health and fitness and potentially want to major in Kinesiology. On my down time I love hanging out with my family and friends (mostly because my mom is the best cook ever), writing, and taking pictures (and instagraming haha).