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Five Tips for Surviving the Winter in Madison

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Although it is the beginning of November and we should technically be experiencing fall, the state of Wisconsin does not like to cooperate when it comes to following seasonal temperatures and rules. Throwing snow at us before the month of October was even over, Wisconsin has evidently declared war against the climates which we Wisconsinites love, but see too little of. In order to deal with this icy bleak bitterness of weather, here are five tips to help make your winter bearable — or maybe even enjoyable — during your college experience. 

Get Bundled Up! 

 If you do not have a winter jacket yet, what are you doing? Wisconsin does not mess around when it comes to unbearable temperatures and harsh wind chill. The only way to survive the winter in any way possible is to be wearing a thick winter jacket around. Gloves are another key item. For me, my hands are usually the first part of my body to really feel the cold. Wearing warm gloves can instantly make you feel so much warmer, because let’s be honest — pockets can only keep your fingers from going numb for so long. Hats are necessary because they prevent you from becoming sick and are the best way to keep heat inside our body, as your head is the greatest way our internal heat escapes. No one judges you for bundling up either — they only respect it, and in some ways, even think it’s cute. 

Layer on up! 

As much as we love a good winter coat, classes in the winter tend to be so much colder, and who wants to wear their enormous winter coat while taking in-class notes? Nobody. That’s why wearing layers is the best method for staying warm within the classrooms, as the heat quality isn’t always available in every room. Wear sweaters, turtlenecks, thick pants and t-shirts beneath sweatshirts. If these layers make you too hot, then you can simply just take one off. Your parents aren’t lying, layers are the go-to. 

Drink warm liquids 

Another way to combat the misery that is walking to class in the freezing cold is to have a hot drink to-go. There is nothing more satisfying than having a hot cup of coffee or tea to keep your hands warm as blistering wind rifles itself right at you. Not only does it feel nice on the hands, but when you drink your warm refreshment, your entire body heats up while getting a splash of something delicious or caffeinated. If drinking something hot and delicious makes your perilous trip to class just a smidge better, then I think it is more than worth it. 

Cut in between buildings 

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Walking and cutting through different buildings on your way to and from class can help make sure you stay unfrozen. Who knows, maybe the routes are more direct, too. Instead of going back and forth to your residence in between classes, find a small study area within your current building to sit down and do some work. Staying and cutting in between buildings can allow you to be productive with your time, while staying warm and efficient at the same time. 

Snow boots 

In high school, nobody ever wore real hardcore snow boots, but the time has come. Snow boots will be your best friend in the wintertime here in Wisconsin. Walking to class when it’s snowing? Snow boots. Walking to class when it’s raining? Snow boots. Walking to class on a sheet of ice? Snow boots. Walking in negative degree weather with horrible wind chill? Snow boots. Snow boots, snow boots, snow boots!  And when you are not walking outside, substitute snow boots with a nice pair of thick fuzzy slippers or Ugg boots to stay equally as warm whilst being prepared for anything. 

Despite the cold weather coming upon our city quite early, we will always continue to persevere and enjoy ourselves while doing so. As much as the bad weather can be a nuisance, we can take the winter by storm, and have a great time while doing so. The winter shouldn’t limit our capabilities, disrupt out emotions or restrain our actions, and we won’t let it. Enjoy the cold and embrace the winter season!

Hi my name is Ashley Eichstaedt and I am a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am from Waukesha, Wisconsin and love to write!
I am a senior at the greatest university— the University of Wisconsin. I am in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, double tracking in reporting and strategic communications and earning a certificate in and Digital Studies. I am a lover of dance, hiking, writing for Her Campus, the Badgers and strawberry acais. I am also a president of Her Campus Wisconsin.