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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Finals week is the worst. The bane of my existance, if you will. How many times can I cry in one week? I’m not sure, but each year I seem to break the previous year’s record. Thankfully, Mean Girls will always be there for us. Amen.

When the professor tells you the final exam will be cumulative.

When the teacher’s pet reminds the TA about an assignment she forgot.

When the annoying girl in your class keeps emailing you asking for notes.

When people ask if they can share your table at the library.

When the weird guy in your discussion asks you on a study date.

When you rememeber that during finals week, the carbs don’t matter.

When you haven’t showered or slept in 4 days.

When you call in sick to work so you can stay home and study.

When you bring your roommate coffee the morning of her first exam.

When you’re waiting for an exam to start.

When you look at the first question and don’t recognize any of the possible answers.

When you get a little too invested in your Shakespeare exam.

When you think you failed an exam, and realize you’ll have to rely on your other skills.

When it’s your senior year, you turn in your last exam, and realize you’re done with college FOREVER.

The celebration when it’s all said and done.

The daily routine for the rest of the summer.

Study on, Badgers. Even if your finals don’t go as well as you would have liked, you always have this to fall back on:

Hillary (@hillarybautch) is an aspiring yogi, a writer, an amateur photographer, and the first to offer a witty anecdote. She loves curling up with a good book, but rarely allows herself the time. She is one of "those" morning people and has complete faith in the higher power that is Beyonce.
Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!