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Farewell Madison

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Madison – you’ve been great. Unfortunately, however, the time has come for me to leave. Four months of making trouble at UW–Madison is nearing an end. And speaking on behalf of all the exchange students ever, we’re incredibly sad to leave. The Badgers have been so welcoming, making our exchange experience even more fun than we expected. To commemorate our time here, with the input of the exchange crew, I have compiled some of our favorite moments and activities at UW–Madison.

Gamedays and tailgating were a favorite. Who doesn’t like drinking cheap beer at 8am (or earlier) in the morning pre-gaming for an 11am football game? That first badger game was a whirlwind of meeting many many people all dressed in red-striped overalls and attempting to remember their names but failing miserably. “Just going up to random homes and being welcomed in” is a testament to the friendliness of the people here! Bonding over beer pong and flip cup is definitely an experience I’ll never forget. It’s incredibly humbling seeing 80,000 people in one space for a college football game. Sports in general are massive here, so it was awesome to go to a hockey, volleyball or basketball game on any given night. Badgers are so passionate about their sporting teams, that with the Marching Band, chants and hand expressions, you have so much fun joining in! We’ll definitely miss their college spirit.

The campus itself is also pretty unique. Whilst I still can’t pronounce “isthmus,” I think I sound pretty cool saying it and explaining what it is. Lake Mendota was the backdrop of many #fall photos on the lengthy walk to class for some of the Lakeshore folks. The novelty of Picnic Point bonfires will also be missed. We had a great time attempting to have an Aussie BBQ out there one afternoon. On that note, watching Americans try Vegemite for the first time was hilarious. The English variation, Marmite, was also sampled, but it was concluded that Vegemite was superior. (In reality, they hated it. They thought it tasted like a weird soy sauce and would eat peanut butter a million times over. We’re all different.) Tim Tams are a winner though- I mean, who wouldn’t like chocolate biccies? (Biscuits aka cookies). Mimicking the American accent has been one of my favorite pastimes, too. When I get home, I plan to hit my family and friends with my best Sconnie accent. I’m going to sound like a real Wisconsinite.

And snow! Coming from a place where it doesn’t snow at all, the colder weather has been both a shock and a new experience. A notable few had never seen snow before, so it was funny to notice how enamoured the exchange students were when the first snowfall came. We had snow fights and it was glorious, to which I will be forever thankful to the people who loaned me coats! I got some funny looks wearing my North Face coat when it was still 50 (probably higher, I still don’t understand Fahrenheit). Many times I have been told “how hot it is this year” and “you’re lucky you’re not here for January and February, that’s when the real winter hits.” That has made me incredibly thankful for choosing to come in Fall. Don’t worry though, I’m still wishing for a White Christmas. Maybe our collective praying will yield snow in time for Christmas.

Another favorite exchange student pastime is frequenting Mondays on Monday. You go out on MONDAY?? Um, yes. Where else can you go out in your pyjamas, and get cheap drinks and popcorn? Bartender Sam will miss us, that’s for sure. We’ve definitely made our mark. Because of the Fall 2015 exchange students, there are now Australian, Swedish and British flags adorning the ceiling of Mondays. If in your drunkenness one night you notice them, you now know. You’re welcome. Hell, we’ve even created our own drink. If you’re ever in Mondays, make sure you hit them up for a Peachy Pingas. Take a risk-you won’t regret it. Or, I don’t know, unofficially make “Mondays on Monday” the 51st bullet point on the Bucky Badger list. Just a suggestion.

Studying at Madison has been amazing. And whilst it seems like we did everything but study, rest assured that even if we fail, we had an incredible time! It was truly unforgettable, and from all of the Fall 2015 Exchange students, we thank you for your hospitality and generosity in having us and sharing your culture with us. We’ll miss you!

Special thanks to these contributors:

  • Mary Crowley
  • Kate Fester
  • Francis … Sage
  • Rhys Scholefield
  • Nate Cullinan
  • Nat Kasch 
This Aussie badger is 19, studying abroad and loving it! I'm only here for a little while but I plan to make the most of it and give you every insight on what it means to be an "Aussie badger" :) read my articles for the full info!