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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

A look back at my teenage years

As I come to the end of my teenage years I am forced to look back on the many triumphs and brutal moments that I experienced over the last seven years. These seven teenage years carried me through some of middle school, high school and college thus far. They have included failed relationships, crazy late nights, long study sessions that ran too long and amazing travels around the world. Through the good, bad and ugly, I have grown and become someone who my 12 year old self would have been very proud to be. 

I wanted to share some of the things I have learned with my younger self to prepare her for the whirlwind of drama and adventure the teenage years will ensue. 

First of all, something that took me too long to realize is it is not worth your happiness to make other people happy. You will be put in situations over and over again where you must choose between your comfort and happiness and someone else’s, and it is not selfish to choose yourself. The people who are consistently putting you in uncomfortable positions are not worth even having around. Trust yourself to know what makes you happy and do not let anyone try to convince you their happiness is more important. 

Second is to listen. I know we like to talk, and we do a great job of it. Sometimes I seem to forget the counterpart is just as important. Listen to mom and your sister, because even though they might not be saying things that make you happy, they are most likely going to be right. As much as you think you know everything, there is so much to learn and understand about the people and the world. 

Next, take every opportunity that is presented to you. From a backpacking trip that seemed super out of your comfort zone to going out three nights in a row, just go for it. You will learn that crazy ideas lead to the best stories and new friendships. If I were to tell you you’d be wave jumping in Puerto Rico or staying in a 1890 cabin with absolutely nothing, you would probably tell me I was crazy and be quite scared for our future. I assure you that we are not only still alive, but also made some of the best memories of our life during these crazy opportunities. 

Lastly, the next seven years of your life are going to go way too fast. It feels that it was yesterday that I was blowing out the candles on my 13th birthday cupcake. I remember the confetti vanilla cake and pink frosting like it was yesterday. Even though the days will sometimes feel super long, know that the years will go fast and that every second counts. Soak up being 13, 16, 18 and everywhere in between. Please do not wish to be older because the moving out and grocery shopping will come faster than you think.  

It’s bittersweet to know that every time October comes around it is taking me further from the simplicity of childhood and closer to the realities of adulthood. But with every year you will learn and do more than you thought possible in years prior. I promise that it is worth it to keep pushing through those really bad weeks because the highs are going to make the momentary lows worth it. 

As I look into the daunting twenties ahead of me I lastly want to say thank you for all the work and risks that you will take to get me to where I am today. 

A lifelong storyteller with a love for anything outdoors