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The Dreaded Freshman 15!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


Oh yes, I’ve finally come to this very topic.  It is one of the most clichéd statements having to do with being a freshman in college, and I find it rather appropriate to meditate on the reasoning behind this dreaded motto.  I mean, gaining this much weight is so absolutely common that an actual alliterated saying was created. 

But, really, how common is it?  My entire life, as with many average girls, I dealt with watching my weight, working out, and eating (mostly) healthy.  I’ve never been blessed with legs that go to Jupiter or flat abs that are defined by eating chocolate ice cream, as with most of society.   So, I made a point to take care of myself in high school.  I went to the YMCA, played tennis, watched what I ate, and knew how much I weighed at all times.  I even got into running a couple miles every day until I could run eight, which I found absolutely astounding. Not to mention, my mom is an incredible cook and always made a point to make our meals satisfying AND healthy. 

However, I quickly realized that college is not quite the same.  My schedule is completely different than what it was in high school and not nearly as structured.  My free time is filled with random events and studying and sometimes, probably more often than I should, I forget about trying to make it over to the Serf. 

I was a six-day-a-week girl, too.  I was hardcore about the gym and proud of it.  But…and I’m not pleased with this, now, it seems that I can’t motivate myself to go nearly as often. 

So, I guess what I’m saying is that I totally understand how the Freshman 15 happens.  Okay, maybe not 15…more like a fraction of that, but still!  It’s difficult finding a schedule and a system that works when so many other things in a freshman’s life are changing.

The thing is, is that its now my second semester.  I’m not giving myself any more excuses about not knowing how to time-manage.  If I’m being completely honest with myself, I watch way more YouTube videos about hedgehogs than any human being should, and I know I can turn that wasted time into motivated energy. 

I understand how the Freshman 15 happens.  People get overwhelmed, exhausted, and, well…a little lazy.  My current plan is to have workout buddies, goals (like the Mud Run in August perhaps?), and motivation to stay a healthy person

I don’t want to seem like I’m hung up on my body, because that is not what the real issue is.  Lifetime habits get ingrained into people in college, and I really don’t want to be browsing YouTube shoving tortilla chips down my throat for 4 hours when I’m 30.  I want to be healthy, because it displays my strength and discipline and respect for myself. 

Not to say that having a beach bod is a bad thing…beach bods are never…never a bad thing. 

Olivia is a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with big aspirations in PR and advertising. With a love for writing, beauty and confidence, she’s making it through college one step at a time.