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Campus Catwalk: Emily Weiss

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Campus Catwalk: Emily Weiss

Hometown: Livingston, NJ

Year: Freshman

Major: Prospective Journalism Major—Strategic Communications        

From school days, to game days, and especially for nights out, Emily Weiss aka EWeiss has a flawless look each and every time.

How would you describe your style?

I would say my style is very diverse.  I try to go for different looks each day, but no matter what, I always strive to be out of the ordinary and to stand out.

What is a source of continual fashion inspiration for you?

I am always on the lookout for the newest trends.  Whether that is from my favorite fashion blogs or magazines like WWD (Women’s Wear Daily), I try to keep up on the latest styles and then incorporate them into my life.

Are there any staple items in your closet that you could not live without?

Yes!  My BCBG black tutu.  I am obsessed with it and have had it forever, and every time I wear it, it’s a hit.  And my red Juicy Couture raincoat is also one of my favorites.  It always brings some color to a cloudy and rainy day.

How would you take an outfit for class and transform it into a night look?

If I were wearing leggings and a sweater to class, I would first ditch the combat boots for some booties.  I would then layer the sweater with a blouse underneath.  Accessories are a must and always add that extra sparkle needed for a night out.  And of course, red lipstick transforms any day outfit into a night look.

When did you gain such a passion for fashion and how might you use it in the future?

I have always been into fashion.  When I was little, I would go into my mother’s closet and put these crazy outfits together and then wear them to school.  I have always loved dressing up for every occasion and believe that looking good is the first step to feeling good.  I hope to take this passion of mine and continue it in the future as my career.  I would love to work in fashion PR for a retail store some day.  As my mom always says, “good clothes open all doors,” so we’ll see what happens in the future.

Hi everybody! I'm Kerry, a freshman at UW-Madison majoring in Journalism with a Digital Studies certificate. I am passionate about writing about all things beauty, love, and many other fascinating facets of life. I'd love for you to join me as I write about my journey through college!