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The Best of Twitter Valentine’s Day Cards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, which means that your Twitter feed is probably full of retweets and posts of those cheesy, sometimes raunchy, virtual Valentine’s Day cards. Here are a few of the best ones out there that are sure to give you a new appreciation for well thought out pick up lines.

May the force be with you…

Because left shark has taken over the Internet 

Who doesn’t like a little inappropriate Frozen reference?

Cute otters are the key to our hearts. 

Kanye West + Disney = Best Combination Ever

Crazy eyes…enough said. 

Chemistry pick up lines are the best pick up lines. Who said being smart wasn’t hot? 

Last one is for the Badgers… always remember some Bucky loves you! 

So, with the prevelance of social media in today’s world, take advantage of Twitter’s witty Valentine’s Day cards. However, homemade cards will always trumph over these hysterical, timely cards. Happy Valentining! 


I am currently a sophomore at University of Wisconsin- Madison pursuing a degree in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.  As Campus Correspondent of Her Campus, Wisconsin chapter I am passionate about current events and can be found browsing any and every article that pops- up on my Facebook newsfeed.