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Becca Bahrke, Next HC-Wisconsin Campus Correspondent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Becca Bahrke
Hometown: Green Bay, WI
Year: 2015
Major: Retail
What’s your favorite part about Her Campus?
I love that Her Campus is a great outlet for all college girls who want love advice, fashion news, celebrity gossip, and pretty much anything you could want to read about. It isn’t designated towards one particular type of college girl, everyone can find something they’re interested in on Her Campus.
If you ever had a chance to interview a “real” celebrity for Her Campus, who would you choose and why?
I would love to interview Julie Andrews! My entire life I have told myself, “I will meet Julie Andrews before I die!” She seems like such a wonderful and inspiring woman and I would love to pick her brain.
What are you most looking forward to as campus correspondent next semester?
I am excited to see how HC works from a different point of view and I can’t wait to meet everyone on the HC-Wisconsin team!
Dream job?
Fashion Editor for Teen Vogue!! I can dream…
Quick: Ryan Gosling, Enrique Iglesias or Drake?
Ryan Gosling all the way!!! He was so dreamy as Noah in The Notebook.