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Battle of the Sexes: Who Does Halloween Better?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Halloween: the one day of the year when men dress up and women…well they barely dress themselves. So who “does” Halloween better? Is it the ladies who flaunt literally everything their momma gave them? Or is it the men who actually dress up for the occasion?

College Girl Halloween:
For college girls, Halloween is like a national holiday to dress like a total hooker. In order for girls to go out, the girls have to be out too. It’s also entirely necessary to have belly-button rings on full display and maybe some cheek action. You’ll find the ever-expected sexy cop, naughty school girl, and frisky cat. 

But my personal favorites are the bizarrely creative ones: toddlers in tiaras and loofas. In order to fully understand how beautiful college girls look on Halloween, I picked out a vast array of pictures that exemplify a typical Halloween here in Madison. Take note, or maybe don’t.



College Guy Halloween:
For college guys, Halloween is more like an exclamation of their own character. You’ve got the guys who feel the need to show off bare arms because those biceps are too big NOT to be shown. Then you’ve got the guys who come up with hilariously creative costumes that you can’t help but take pictures with. And then you’ve got just plain vulgarity. For guys too, I’ve found some of my personal faves. While a pizza delivery, a banana, and an unable-to-mention song from Saturday Night Live, are up there, the iPod ear bud straight up takes the cake.

So who does Halloween better?
Without a doubt, I would say the guys win by a long shot. I would pick laughs over gasps any day.
While the females might have lost this battle, this won’t be the end of us. We’ll make a comeback. After all, women are better losers, right? Guess we’ll have to wait until next Thursday to find out that one.

Peace out, readers.

I'm a sophomore at the oh-so-lovely University of Wisconsin-Madison, which obviously means I'm a die-hard Badger fan. I will be studying Strategic Communications through the UW Journalism School and hope to work for an advertising agency in a few short years. I live and breathe Chicago sports - Bulls above everything - and have an insane obsession with animals. My favorite song in the whole wide world is without a doubt "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" by Eli Young Band. "Some dreams keep on gettin' better, gotta keep believin' if you wanna know for sure."
Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com