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Amanda Bynes Back on Twitter: Bynes’ Twitter Binges

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Just when we thought the lives of child stars were approaching reality, Amanda Bynes re-entered the Twitter sphere. Yes, her 140-character rants are back, but we are not complaining because honestly, she keeps Twitter feeds THAT much more entertaining. After mental sanity seemingly came to Bynes at the time of her first tweet in early March, it quickly left her with her return to Twitter on November 4th, where her tweet read, “Offend who offends.” Her tweets have previously been recognized for their harsh comments directed toward her growing circle of enemies and the boosting of her own stability and best of all beauty; however, Bynes has come back with something even better, a self-proclaimed PhD.

“I was diagnosed bi-polar and manic depressive so I’m on medication and I’m seeing my psychologist and psychiatrist weekly so I’m fine :D,” she wrote on November 4th. And to that, we say good for you, Amanda!

And just when she seems to be taking those meds, her contradicting tweets take off.

“My hair is hideous,” she tweeted again on November 4th, quickly followed by “I’m pretty.” So what is it Amanda, cause it’s getting difficult to keep up.

But we’ve got to give her credit for doing something about that hair because just three days later we got an inside look at her new ‘do.



“I dyed my hair violet :D I’m not sure if I like it, and this is a blurry pic but here is it !”

Although Bynes’ Twitter spree has faded since her November 10th tweet, “I’m so rude,” the best is yet to come. Unverified Bynes accounts can be found all over Twitter, but my favorite is @AmarndaBynes, whose bio reads, “ur ugly, bring out the dancing lobsters—parody account. **not here to make fun of mental illness, here bc we are Amanda fans**.”

Much respect, people, because there is nothing quite like imagining Bynes sitting at the Thanksgiving table and tweeting to tell her fans, “mashed potatoes are honestly so important to me.”

We’re here for you Amanda, just as long as you keep tweeting.

Hi everybody! I'm Kerry, a freshman at UW-Madison majoring in Journalism with a Digital Studies certificate. I am passionate about writing about all things beauty, love, and many other fascinating facets of life. I'd love for you to join me as I write about my journey through college!
Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com