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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Set your day with an intention.

For me, the best way to start my day off on a good note is by lifting myself up through positive affirmations. Right after I hydrate and make my bed, I sit on the floor and tell myself whatever I might need to hear on a given day. For all the negative self talk and self doubt we may experience throughout the day, we need to counter it by reminding ourselves how amazing we truly are if we are to firmly believe it. Otherwise, we start to believe we are not worthy of the good things in life, and I swear to you, you are 100% worthy. For whatever it is you may be struggling with, here are some examples of affirmations you may want to use to form solid self esteem, achieve your goals, connect with your higher self, and be your own number one supporter.

For self love:

I love and accept myself unconditionally.  I am worthy of everything I  desire. What I say matters.  I am so proud of myself.  I am enough.  I love who I am and who I am becoming. 

If you are focused on achievement:

I believe in  myself.  I am motivated, dedicated and  successful.  All  that  I  need  is  within  me.  I  am  following  my  higher  purpose.  I  accomplish  my  goals  easily. 

If you are looking to release negativity:

I  now  release  the  blocks  that  prevent  me  from  experiencing  life  and  joy. I  release  control,  fear,  and  doubt. My body  is  relaxed  and  my  spirit  is  free.

If you are struggling with body image:

I  have  a  beautiful  body  that  I  care  for.  I  treat  my  body  well  and  in  return  it  treats  me  well.  I  choose  to  have  a  positive  and  grateful  attitude  and  think  energizing  thoughts  about  my body.  I  am  healthy  and  full  of  energy.

If you are looking for guidance and need to reconnect with your intuition:

I  communicate  clearly  with  my  higher  self.  I  am  focused on  the  present  moment.  I  trust  the  divine  timing  of  the  universe.  My  intuition  is  divinely supported

For confidence:

My  energy  is  ethereal.  I  radiate  confidence.  I  am  pure bliss,  love,  and  full  of  healing  energy.  I am respected by all. 

If you are looking for healing or finding relationships (friendships or otherwise):

I  am  one hundred percent  worthy  of  love.  I  am  open  to  new  love  in  all  forms.  I  am  surrounded  by  positive  and  peaceful  people. The  love  I  seek  is  seeking  me.

If you want to transform into your highest self:

I  am  ready  to  step  into  my  highest  timeline  available.  With  every  step  I  take,  I  am  becoming  my  best  self.  I  stay  consistent  in  healthy  habits.  I now fully allow this chapter to close and I accept transformation to take place. And so it is.

Whether affirmations are a part of your everyday morning routine or not, setting an intention for your day can be helpful for setting a specific goal to help you focus or be at your best. If repeated on a regular basis, they also gradually guide you to believe that you are more than enough and subsequently provide a foundation to improve your self esteem. Once you truly believe you are enough and you are worthy of everything you could ever want, it’s harder to let others tear you down and make you think otherwise. These beliefs are at their core, what builds a strong self esteem. Beyond setting goals and improving self esteem, affirmations allow you to be your own inner parent who can encourage you to fulfill your potential. Especially because in college, we’re all missing our supporters from home a little extra.

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Natalie Pricer

Wisconsin '24

Natalie Pricer. Sophomore at UW Madison who loves art, mental health awareness, and music :)