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8 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching The Vampire Diaries This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Wattpad romances, supernatural drama, & early 2000’s nostalgia …the list goes on.

It’s finally starting to get chilly outside, and of course that means spending more time indoors to re-watch all the famous cult-classics. Gilmore Girls, Friends, Gossip Girl, New Girl… the list goes on. All these shows have become staple re-watches during the fall season, gifting their audiences with witty one-liners, early 2000’s nostalgia and suspenseful romance. With eight climatic seasons, The Vampire Diaries falls short in none of these areas. Here are eight reasons why you should be putting The Vampire Diaries on your must-watch list this fall.

1. Werewolves, Witches and of course…Vampires!

As fall is deemed the “spooky season”, I only see fit to watch a show full of chilling and supernatural twists. Whether it’s falling in love with a 162-year-old vampire, accidental time travel or jealous dopplegängers, The Vampire Diaries does not lack in the ‘mythical’ department.

2.  A Wattpad Style Romance

A teenage girl who falls in love with two vampire brothers, creating a love triangle leaving suspenseful cliffhangers…what more could you ask for? Through the eight seasons, we experience the slow burn romance between Elena Gilbert and brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore, never knowing which one she will run to next.

3. The Writers Know When to Twist the Knife (or should I say, “wooden stake”)

Written as a teenage drama, the characters’ experiences during their high school years enrich the show with angst and desire. Just when you finally find peace while watching the show, you’re spun around in a complete 180 looking at a new scenario on your hands.

4. The Scenery

I’m not talking about Mystic Falls, although it is a beautiful colonial Virginian town. No, I’m talking about how attractive the cast is. From Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley to Ian Somerhalder and Candice King, The Vampire Diaries has racked up quite the lineup of beautiful people.

5. 2000’s Nostalgia

Any good classic will take you right back to that earlier time period that you so miss. With a combination of layered shirts, dated slang, and time-appropriate props, The Vampire Diaries will transcend you right back to the early 2000’s.

6. Flashbacks

If you like period pieces such as Bridgerton or Outlander, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the number of “historical” flashbacks in The Vampire Diaries. As hundreds of years old vampires, we often get glimpses into the early years of Damon and Stefan during their adolescence in the 1800’s.

7. The Importance of Friendships

Friends to the very end… and then again as they’re revived from the dead as supernatural creatures. Elena, Bonnie and Caroline show an unbreakable bond through many seasons of thick and thin, making them the ultimate friendship goals.

8. The “Bad Guys” are Actually Bad

I’m not talking about skipping school or rejecting authority. I’m talking about some real bloody messes, showing how evil some of “bad guys” can actually be.  Although this is true, ‘The Vampire Diaries’ still portrays a classic version of the“bad boys” who develop a soft spot for that of whom they are pursuing.