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63 Ways to Take a Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Do you ever find yourself dreaming about doing literally anything other than studying? Same.

Studies have shown that taking breaks while studying or working increases productivity immensely. It is now considered constructive to look at pictures of cute animals while working (ugh, yes) and is acceptable to take 17 minute breaks for every 52 minutes you work! 

As students with assignments that continuously pile up, it is important to take care of our mental health. When creating a list of things to accomplish, we should consider the time we need to relax, especially with pressure to perform in school coming from all directions. Taking time for a brain break amidst the craziness of the day is just as important as any grade.

Depending on the amount of time I have, my mood, and energy level, I consider doing these things to take a break. Check them out!


  1. Run to get a coffee from your favorite place or somewhere new!
  2. Walk around town and window shop.
  3. Watch one 20-minute episode of a funny show.
  4. Try a new recipe for a yummy looking snack or meal.
  5. Catch up on the news.
  6. Paint your nails a new funky color.
  7. Write a poem.
  8. Read some poems.
  9. Go for a walk.
  10. Sit in a bookstore.
  11. Watch cute puppy videos (AWW station).
  12. Take a bath (bring your book with you or just relax and enjoy).
  13. Do a craft.
  14. Create a new themed board on Pinterest.
  15. Organize your desk.
  16. Pick some flowers from outside for your windowsill or grab some from the grocery store.
  17. Watch food videos.
  18. Meditate for five minutes.
  19. Take nice deep breaths.
  20. Plan a trip that you hope to take.
  21. Learn something new!
  22. Go for a bike ride.
  23. Close your eyes.
  24. Go roller blading or ice skating.
  25. Try a new type of workout (ballet/barre, kickboxing, yoga/Pilates).
  26. Enjoy a glass of milk and a cookie.
  27. Doodle.
  28. Paint.
  29. Write in a journal (have some pent-up feelings? Jot ‘em down, it works wonders for clearing your mind).
  30. Lay in the grass (or snow J ).
  31. Write a bucket list.
  32. Go grocery shopping and pick out a funky fruit to try.
  33. Get a fun magazine to flip through.
  34. Pass a soccer ball.
  35. Fly a kite.
  36. Plan a themed party.
  37. Get some oatmeal from Colectivo.
  38. Reward yourself with a donut.
  39. Hit the slopes.
  40. Start a blog.
  41. Move your furniture around.
  42. Go for a run.
  43. Clean out your fridge/pantry/closet/desk drawers.
  44. Have a nice cup of tea (mint with honey is my favorite).
  45. Listen to new album in its entirety.
  46. Look up some quotes that inspire you and post them around your room.
  47. Redecorate your wall.
  48. Go through old pictures.
  49. Take some photos outside.
  50. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
  51. Call any friend!
  52. Try a new lipstick color.
  53. Make up outfits from the clothes in your closet.
  54. Make a new themed playlist.
  55. Try a new perfume or find a scent that soothes you (lavender J).
  56. Light a candle.
  57. Dance!
  58. Go for a drive, listen to music, and sing your heart out.
  59. Take a short nap.
  60. Draw on your mirror in expo-marker.
  61. Do a face mask.
  62. Wash your face.
  63. Get some fresh air!

If your head feels like it is about to explode from an information overload, listen to your body and take a break. It’s not worth it to constantly pressure yourself to study for hours on end. Sometimes, with midterms and projects, studying for extensive periods of time is unavoidable, but it is still important to prioritize your wellbeing and mind. Not to mention, the work you do after taking a break will be much more meaningful than if you hadn’t let your brain relax a little.

Cate Wilkinson

Wisconsin '20

Cate graduated from UW - Madison in May 2020 with a degree in Microbiology with a certificate in French. She is very passionate about health, wellness, sustainability and communication about these topics!
Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!