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5 Ways to De-stress During Midterm Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Fall means midterms, and nothing stresses college students out like midterms (except finals).  Here are five ways to help de-stress from midterms:

  1. Go to the gym or take a walk.

Some people find working out a good way of relieving stress, so why not try it out and see if it works for you?  If that isn’t for you, try taking a walk to help take your mind off of all the studying you need to do.

  1. Take a bath

Nothing is more relaxing than a warm, refreshing bath.  Get a bad grade on your “ochem” exam?  No problem–a bath will make you feel like you aced it, especially if you add a bath bomb.

  1. Reward yourself with something you’ve been wanting

If you’ve stayed up until the wee hours of the morning cramming for your exam, you definitely deserve to “treat yo self” after you’ve taken your midterm.  You know you’ve been eyeing up that pair of Lululemon leggings.

  1. Binge watch some Netflix

Along the lines of the last point, binge watching your favorite Netflix show is well-deserved after taking a midterm (or while studying if you need a break).

  1. Dogs on Call

Dogs on Call is an organization that comes to the UW campus fairly often, especially during midterms and finals.  What better way to de-stress from an exam than to cuddle with an adorable puppy?  Keep an eye on their website: http://www.dogsoncall.org/ to see when they will be visiting campus next.

I know it’s hard to relax, especially when you know you’ve got so much to do, but taking time to treat yourself is so important. Mental health > homework.

Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!