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5 People to Avoid This Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


As a homebody, I absolutely love going home for Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no place on earth quite like Madison, but I always look forward to home-cooked meals, having my mom do my laundry, and catching up with my best friends at our favorite coffee shop. Returning to your old stopping grounds is usually exciting, as there really is no place like home. But, if home is a place where everybody knows everything about everyone, Thanksgiving can have its drawbacks. No matter how much we love home, there are always people we dread seeing and run the other way when we spot them. Check out the top five people you need to avoid this Thanksgiving break:


The Fake Friend

We all know this girl. She pretends to be interested in your life when really she’s not. Bottom line, we weren’t friends in high school, so there’s no need to pretend we are now (that came out a little harsh, sorry girls!). These girls are sometimes younger, and use the word “hun” inappropriately, like when taking my order at the ever-sceney coffee shop.


The Ex-Anything

Whether it’s an ex-boyfriend, ex-best friend, ex-hook up, or ex-boss, most Collegiettes have someone who falls into the ‘ex’ category. Regardless of if this is someone you simply drifted away from or someone who things ended badly with, they are definitely not on the list of people you’re excited to see this week. Chances are you haven’t spoke to this person in a while, so this run-in has awkward written all over it.


The Prematurely Employed Friend

The high school peer who is already employed may give some Collegiettes hope, but for many seniors, it’s another reminder that the end is looming. I’ll be getting enough heat from my parents, grandparents, brother, aunts, uncles, and cousins about my job search and my future, so I’m not looking forward to running into those lucky few who have already secured a post-grad job.


The “I’ll Be Engaged Within A Year” Girl

She’s either still dating her high school sweetheart or found Mr. Right within weeks of freshmen year. This girl has wedding bells on her mind and her five year plan includes a white house with blue shutters, a wrap around porch and a room overlooking the water so she can paint (name that movie!). If you don’t want to be bombarded with questions about why you’re still single, run the other way when you see this girl.


The Mother Who Caught You…

Drinking in her basement, kissing her son, smoking in her backyard, or skinny-dipping in her pool, we’ve all been there. For some, running into her may be humorous and nostalgic, but for others, it’s terrifying. When you see the mother who always seemed to catch you at the worst time, dial down your lunchtime conversation, put on your hood, grab a pair of oversized sunglasses, and do whatever is in your power to make sure she does not notice you.

If you can get through almost a week at home without running into any of these people, I applaud you. If not, put on your best smile and prepare yourself for a quick stop and chat. Laugh through the discomfort, congratulate him on his job, and humor her while she divulges her Cinderella-themed wedding plans to you.

No matter the awkwardness this week brings, Thanksgiving is one of the best times of the year. It kicks off the holiday (eating) season, and gives college students the post-finals break we need in order to survive the rest of the semester. This Thanksgiving, take time to enjoy a few stress free days with family, spend hours catching up, laughing, and reminiscing with your best friends, and remember how lucky we are to be Badgers. Happy Thanksgiving, Collegiettes!!

Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com