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3 Ways to Treat Every Day Like Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

About two weeks ago, Valentine’s day came around and brought many people a overnight bag full of emotions. Some planned a romantic evening, others stopped at the nearby Walgreens to find a snuggle buddy in a tub of ice cream. But why should these lovely moments be dedicated to a matter of hours on a potentially bleak February evening?

Love is essential. The love in your life may lead to self-discovery, motivation, connection and, I mean, sex — we should celebrate the spirit of Valentine’s day daily. There’s alwasy love in your life, so don’t go a day without acknowledging the love you give and receive. Here are three ways to bring Valentine-esque appreciation for yourself and for others into your daily life.


1. Start every morning with reflection

This should be an extremely personal time, one that allows for a brief but effective meditation on yourself. Be sure to acknowledge your individuality, but also make it a point to give thanks to things and people that have enabled and continued to allow you to be who you are each day. This may be your family, your friends, your significant other, your school or job.


2. Express gratitude

Show your love towards all that makes your life exactly what you want it to be. Send a quick text to your mom, write a post-it reminding yourself that you only skipped two of four alarms. And, if your meditation was infiltrated by anything but joy, make it a priority to abolish the cause of such feeling. After that deed is taken care of, show yourself some love to celebrate your personal improvement.


3. Smile

This — and all other forms of expression — allows you to connect with those around you. Whether it be to your closest friend or to the Target cashier, open a bit of yourself up to each of them. Be comfortable with yourself and stay in touch with your emotions.


Go make Saint Valentine proud! Remember that every day is an opportunity to change even just a little thing and to make yourself happier. Appreciate what you have, and work towards what you want in love on every day — not just on Feb. 14!