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25 Things That Are Annoying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

I try to be an optimistic person. Most of the time, I’m a relatively happy gal…but I think we all have those days where every little thing bothers us. Complaining is cathartic. That’s the policy I live by, and here are my biggest pet peeves.

1.    When you can hear someone’s music through their headphones from across the room (also, I’m very concerned for their hearing — why does it have to be so loud?)

2.    When the tea at Starbucks still burns your tongue after you waited 15 minutes for it to cool

3.    When the door doesn’t specify whether its push or pull and you gamble on the wrong one

4.    When I can’t find a table at College Library (literally always — why do I still go there?)

5.    When your feet are very cold and you get in the hot shower and your feet get all prickly/tingly

6.    When a word is on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t quite remember it

7.    Being hungry and not knowing what you want to eat

8.    When one of your headphones stop working so all the music is playing in your right ear

9.    When one of your limbs falls asleep

10.  When Learn@UW decides to stop working right when you need to do an assignment

11.  When too many people are on the Netflix account and you can’t properly procrastinate by binge watching TV

12.  Low shower pressure & you can’t get the shampoo out

13.  When you can hear the drunk people outside your window at 5AM

14.  Smoke detectors that goes off anytime you cook

15.  When your mom calls you and then you immediately call her back and then she doesn’t pick up

16.  When the Wi-Fi doesn’t work/doesn’t load instantaneously (because I am so impatient)

17.  Spotify ads

18.  When sidewalks aren’t wide enough for 3 people

19.  The sound chalk makes when it scrapes the chalkboard (its 2016, let’s get rid of chalkboards, please, for the sake of my sanity)

20.  People who are always late

21.  When autocorrect changes food to good

22.  Hand dryers that never really dry your hands

23.  Wet socks because you accidently stepped in a huge rain puddle without proper footwear

24.  When cars refuse to yield to pedestrians even when the sign clearly states YIELD. TO. PEDESTRIANS (especially, when the weather is bad, because, c’mon, you’re nice and warm in your car, just let me go first)

25.  When the weather forecast doesn’t predict rain and then all of a sudden it’s a monsoon and you’re not dressed appropriately


This list was a lot easier to compile than I thought it would be…perhaps I’m not as upbeat as I thought. Regardless, I definitely felt better after writing this, and hopefully knowing that other people share your grievances will make you feel better too.