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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

10 Non-Digital Activities To Do While Stuck At Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

It has been almost a month since many states have put stay-at-home orders into effect. During that month, while I would like to say that I have been productive, most of my time has been spent sleeping, catching up on TV shows, and attending my online lectures. Due to coronavirus, most communication, entertainment, and work is being done via technology. I know I personally have been using my laptop and phone a lot more (and thanks to Apple, they update me every Sunday letting me know this), but I have come to realize that technology does not have to be used 24/7 during quarantine. There are so many other ways to relax, unwind and be creative during the stay at home order that involve no technology at all. Below are 10 non-digital activities to do in the ‘Q’:

Go for a Walk/Run/Bike Ride

Maybe the easiest thing to do during the stay at home order is to go outside and enjoy the fresh air while being active. I’ve taken walks by myself, with family members and even friends (six feet apart of course). If you are more into getting your heart pumping, go for a nice run or bike ride to clear your head and keep your body active.

Do some arts and crafts

Recently, I have taken up scrapbooking, making bracelets and drawing; all things I used to do in high school and haven’t really gotten around to during college. Now that I’m home and surrounded by all of my art supplies, I finally have time to be creative. Doing art projects is also a great way to destress. I recommend creating your own zentangles, investing in an adult coloring book and doing watercolor paintings. If you know how to sew, now is a great time to use that skill and make face masks as well. There are so many ways to be creative and in these trying times, art is a great way to get your mind off of things for a while.

Have a Spa Day/Leisure Day

Get out those facemasks that you’ve been saving for a rainy day and pamper yourself. Being stuck at home, not knowing what the future holds, and catching up on school work are all extremely stressful. A great way to relax is to have a little spa day. While your facemask unclogs your pores, check in with yourself and make sure you are doing all right.

Do a Puzzle/Play Cards/Board Games

Keep your brain stimulated by doing some activities that make you think. Puzzles are a great way to pass the time and give your brain a workout. Once you place that last piece in, you’ll feel an immense sense of accomplishment. Playing cards is also a great way to pass the time and interact with those around you. My personal favorite card game is Gin Rummy, but Uno is also a top contender. Board games are also great for bringing the whole family together and generating those nostalgic feelings from your childhood when you used to play Monopoly on a regular basis.

Read a Good Book

Netflix is great and all, but after a while your eyes begin to feel strained. A great source of non-digital entertainment is to read a book. While e-books are great, I have always preferred the tactile nature of a physical book. There are likely books around your house for you to re-read or start reading (because let’s be real, we all have those books we buy and say we will get around to reading and never do).


With restaurants only open for delivery or curb-side pickup, now is a great time to teach yourself how to make some basic dishes at home. There is not much that is able to be controlled during this pandemic, however you can control what you consume. While you may have limited groceries, get creative! Briefly look online, only for the sake of finding recipes, and then get to making your delicious meal. Baking and cooking are great ways to destress as well.

Keep a Journal or Use Your Planner on a Regular Basis

Although there may not seem like there is much to plan, writing down what you want to do for the day and sticking to that schedule can really help with productivity. Journaling can also help you stay on track. Reflecting on what you have completed and accomplished in a day allows you to acknowledge what still needs to get done. Keeping a journal will also be interesting to look back at down the road to see what life was like in quarantine.

Organize, Clean and Redecorate Your Room

Chances are you are back in your childhood room full of random items accumulated throughout your life. Now’s the perfect time to declutter, clean and even redecorate your space. Your room is where you reflect, recharge and probably spend most of your time, so why not ensure that the space will bring you happiness?

Write and Send Personalized Letters

While texting and phone calls are efficient ways of communicating with friends and family, sometimes it can feel a little impersonal. Write your friends and family members handwritten letters to show them that you care for them. Getting an “I love and appreciate you” note just feels more meaningful when it’s handwritten rather than typed on a keyboard. Additionally, handwriting letters is said to improve both the sender and recipient’s happiness which is definitely needed right now. 

Meditate/Do Some Yoga

A common theme throughout this pandemic is stress. Stress from the economy, classes, being at home, grocery shopping, family members and so many other factors. While the activities above can help you destress, meditation and yoga are the best methods to focus on yourself and reflect on your mental well-being.

Attempt to lower your screen time by doing some of the activities listed above. Get out of the house, focus on your mental health, and express your creativity. Who knows, maybe you will find a new hobby. 

While I have listed ten great activities to do in the ‘Q’, the most important activity of quarantine is one that I did not list: washing your hands! Ensure the safety of yourself and others by taking precautions to stop the spread of coronavirus. When you are using technology, make sure to wipe down your keyboard and disinfect your phone every now and then. During quarantine, be cautious, be creative and stay well!

Peri Coskey

Wisconsin '21

Meet Peri! She's a senior majoring in Communication Arts and Sociology with minors in Digital Studies, Gender and Women's Studies and Entrepreneurship. Her favorite things to do are watch Veronica Mars, thrift shop and chill with friends. When Peri is not taking naps, she can be found hanging out with her friends, most likely talking their ears off. Interested in seeing more of Peri's work? Check out pericoskey.com!
I am a senior at the greatest university— the University of Wisconsin. I am in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, double tracking in reporting and strategic communications and earning a certificate in and Digital Studies. I am a lover of dance, hiking, writing for Her Campus, the Badgers and strawberry acais. I am also a president of Her Campus Wisconsin.