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Why Educating is One of the Most Important Careers… Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Fellow education majors, we all know how people react when you tell them your career plans.

“Teachers don’t get paid very much… but I can totally see you doing it.”

Wow, thanks! We literally had no idea that educators are overworked and underpaid. Clearly, money is the most important thing when picking a career, right?


Without teachers, we would not be prepared to pursue higher education or to enter the work force. All basic skills and knowledge are taught by teachers. We are lucky to have them in our lives!


Teachers do what they do because of the unconditional love that they have for their work. A big part of teaching in a classroom is being there for each individual student and supporting them through everything. Students are meant to feel comfortable and welcome in the classroom, and teachers work hard to make sure that they provide that comfort.

All educators have a special place in their heart that holds every single student that walks in and out of their classroom. They do what they do because they love it.

Not all children live in loving homes or have supportive parents/guardians. Many teachers provide that to students in their classroom and have a greater impact on students than people understand.


A huge misconception that people have about teachers is how much work we really have to do. It’s always, “You have weekends and breaks off!”

If only that was really the case.

Teachers do so much more than just teach lessons and then go home. Our work requires detailed planning with consideration to student abilities, learning styles, accommodations/modifications (not to mention following state-issued standards), long periods of time dedicated to making your classroom a comfortable and welcoming place for all individuals in all aspects, and worrying about making sure your students get everything they need and deserve out of your class. It is an extreme amount of work that is not rewarded with money, but rather rewarded with seeing your students become successful and independent individuals – the best gift of all.

While we are on “breaks,” we have to spend the majority of that time catching up on our duties, preparing for what is coming next, and planning for our classroom activities and lessons. Teachers do not get to “leave their work at work” when they leave for the day – everything comes with them!

At the end of the day, nobody would be able to understand basic knowledge, think deeply and critically, or enter their further education and careers prepared and professional without the help of teachers. We have all been taught throughout our lives by others and by ourselves. When it comes down to it, nobody would really be able to do anything without being taught a lesson about it.

Take time to appreciate the educators in your life. Know that they are doing what they do because they are passionate and want to make a difference in the world. Recognize how much love they have for other individuals, respect their passion and unmatched work ethic, and tell them that you admire the hard work they do to prepare every person that steps into their classroom for a successful future.

Emma Oresic

Winthrop '24

Hi everyone! My name is Emma Oresic and I am a junior Elementary Education major at WU. Some of my favorite pastimes are painting, watching Netflix, and reading and writing.