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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Thanksgiving is coming up, so that means that this is the perfect time of the year to stop and reflect on the things that we are thankful for. I am personally somebody who has a lot to be thankful for, but will regularly take many things for granted. So here is a list of the top five things in my life that I am most thankful for, and wouldn’t trade for the world.

Number 5: The beach

The beach is a place that I have always loved for as long as I can remember, and I realize that I am very fortunate to come from a hometown that is right on the beach. I am extremely thankful to have a place that I am always excited to go to and that is nearly accessible and free. I am thankful for how beautiful the beach ecosystems are and how many natural resources are provided by beaches and coastal areas. My absolute favorite thing to do is to go to the beach during the summer. It is a place for me where it feels nearly impossible to be in a bad mood, and I am thankful to have a location nearby me that constantly is making me happy.

Number 4: food!

Thanksgiving is a holiday not only for giving thanks, but also for eating as much good food as you possibly can. My favorite thanksgiving food is probably cranberry sauce or mashed potatoes. I am the type of person who loves to try new foods and restaurants, and the fact that I live in an area that has a great amount of different and diverse options to try from is something that I am very thankful for. I am also extremely thankful that not only to I have the ability to enjoy the food that I eat, but having the ability to always have access to food in general, is something that I can regularly take for granted as a person who lives in a first world country.

number 3: experiences

I am a person who loves going out and doing things. Something that many of us learned the hard way recently, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, is that you sometimes don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. It was very tough for many of us to have to stay home and socially distance when we are used to going to fun places with big crowds and having new and fun experiences. Things like concerts and vacations were cancelled or postponed until further notice and many people missed out on things that they had been looking forward to for a long time. Fortunately, with the year of 2020 slowly disappearing in the rearview mirror and the world slowly beginning to piece back together, many things like shows, concerts, and nightlife have been coming back. I have been lucky enough to be able to attend two different concerts within the past month, one of which I had been anticipating for over a year. Things like this and being able to be surrounded by many healthy people who are enjoying themselves is an experience that I definitely took for granted in the past. But now these experiences are things that I am whole heartedly thankful for and so happy that I have been able to be a part of. Sometimes, just having something to look forward to and anticipate is exciting enough and definitely something to be thankful for.

number 2: my friends

My friends are a wonderful part of my life and I would not trade any of them for the world. I am a person who is fortunate enough to be surrounded by many different people in my life who I care about and love spending time with. Friends are something that I am always extremely grateful for because I don’t know what I would do or how I would spend most of my time if I didn’t have a lot of fun and happy people to spend it with.

Number 1: my family

Finally, the number 1 thing that I am thankful for is my family. My family are the closest people to me and I know that they will always be there for me no matter what. I am constantly learning new life lessons and growing every day thanks to my parents and older sister. Not only are my family members the most influential people in my life, but they never fail to make me a happier and all around better person. I know that I am very fortunate to be a person who is close to my family members and that not everyone has the luxury of being able to turn to their family for anything at all. From my immediate family to my more distant family members (and my dog), I am fortunate enough to have strong and uplifting relationships with everyone who is in my family.

Nicole Rooney

Winthrop '24

Nicole Helton Rooney sophomore environmental studies major from surfside beach South Carolina.