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TriO Orientation Counselor Tiye DuBard ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Name: Tiye Asante’ DuBardMajor: Family Consumer Science with a Concentration in Consumer StudiesAcademic Year: JuniorHometown: Columbia, SC

What are your roles on campus?I am an orientation counselor, I am apart of TRiO, and I am a member of Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society Member.

What is your favorite hobby?I love painting, I find it somewhat therapeutic. I’m a bit of a worry-wart. I tend to focus on a thousand things that are out of my control, but when I get my canvas out and my brushes (even if I just create a big blob of paint) it soothes me to not have to think about anything but my artwork.

Favorite sport or sport team?San Francisco Forty Niners (I’ve got a crush on the quarterback)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Hopefully somewhere with a job that I love surrounded by people that I love.

Can you describe your “perfect date”?Somewhere romantic with dim lights and great conversation.

What is your favorite place on campus?I like being in the Tillman Auditorium. That’s where all the action is!

Can you name one of your hidden talents?I love writing music as in composing for string orchestras. It is something I am incredibly passionate about. I have music notation programs on my computer like Sibelius and Notation Composer. There’s just this crazy amazing feeling I get when I slay over a piece for hours and then get to sit back and listen to something that I’ve created. It’s one of the best experiences in the world to me. Despite my passion for this however, I’m very shy about my music. I’ll play it for a few close friends but I rarely ever share it with that many others. That’s why I consider it to be one of my hidden talents.

What is your favorite holiday?Fourth of July, my home church throws a big cookout and invites people from the community. They also have a huge fireworks display. It is just a really great time with great people.

What about your favorite season? Hands down Spring, the world just starts to become a much happier place.

What is one interesting fact about you? I have kept a journal since I was 12 years old.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?I am a little bit of both.

Is there one thing you’d say you are great at? I think I’m pretty great at writing if I do say so myself.

What is your favorite thing about fall?I get to start wearing my boots and scarfs again.

Do you have a teacher who has inspired you?My high school senior English teacher he showed me that my words are just as valuable as anyone else and that I should make sure they are heard.

Who is your favorite celebrity?That’s tough to say but if I had to choose right now it would be Singer Tori Kelly. I think she sets a good example for women of all ages. Her music is incredibly relatable, and her voice is absolutely amazing. My favorite thing about her, however, is just her humble spirit and the fact that she isn’t using her sexaulity to obtain popularity.  

Who do you look up to?I definitely look up to my mom. She is one of the most talented strong and thoughtful people that I know and I pray that when I grow up to be just like her.

I am a Mass Communications major at Winthrop University with a minor in theatre. I enjoy reading, writing, singing, blogging, traveling, photography and all things newsworthy(media, fashion and entertainment). I also love having fun and doing quality professional work. I enjoy volunteering with various organizations one in particular SOAR. A fun fact about myself is that I enjoy figure-skating and I use to take piano lessons. I truly enjoy being in the company of my family, friends and church family and I love helping others. I am excited about this opportunity, as I am looking forward to learning and passing it on.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.