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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

It’s exam time, Collegiettes! We know you’ve probably lost all motivation to study at this point in the semester. You may not even be sure of the best way to study for your finals. Fear not! We’re here to save the day with these study tips.

Make a Study Plan

Set out the dates and times you want to study for each of your finals. Give those classes you are struggling in a little more time than the ones you are doing well in. Planning ahead prevents cramming, and it helps you to be organized and make the most of your time.

Take Study Breaks

There is a great app that helps you stay on track with when you should be working and when you can take a break. It’s called Goodtime, and you can find it on your app store. This app sets a timer for how long you should work, then allows for several short breaks and then a long break. Study breaks are good for you because they help you to focus, and they boost your productivity!

Teach What You’re Studying

Whether it’s to another classmate or to an empty room, pretend you are the teacher and teach the material you are studying! You will be amazed at how much this helps reinforce the information in your brain.

Watch YouTube Videos

Watching Youtube videos is another great way to help you study. No, not Youtube videos of cats getting scared by cucumbers, but rather on videos about what you are studying. They can help clarify some things you may be unclear on.

Maintain a Good Study Environment

Study somewhere that works for you. Find somewhere quiet with few distractions. It’s important not to study on your bed, however. Studies have shown that studying on your bed can make your brain associate your bed with stress, and therefore may lead to less sleep. Your brain may also associate sleep with studying, and therefore you will not want to study.

Good luck on finals, Collegiettes! You got this! 


Ali Maclay is a biology major, chemistry minor, psychology minor, and honors student at Winthrop University. She is an aspiring Neuroscientist and hopes to work at St. Jude Children's Hospital. She is the Facebook Social Media Director for Her Campus Winthrop's Facebook page, and associate member of Tri Beta Biological Honors Society, and a member of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society at Winthrop. When she's not doing academic work, working at her job, or writing for HC, she's probably binge-watching Netflix, dreaming on Pinterest, stress cleaning, or eating ice cream.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.