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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

In high school, I was a part of my school’s Beta club organization. If you are unaware of what that is, it’s a youth organization found in many schools across the nation that emphasizes academic excellence, character, leadership, and community. In Beta club, we had many opportunities to organize and participate in service events that gave back to our school and the local community. I absolutely loved my time in the Beta club and it has helped me appreciate small efforts that have a big impact on our local communities. Giving back doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal either—practical efforts within your personal means are just as impactful as any other. In this article, I’m going to highlight some important ways to give back to charitable organizations and our communities that need it the most.

1. Donate items to a shelter.

This is a simple but important way to give back to a local organization in your community. If you go online, you are sure to find many shelters in your area that are taking donations. These can range from family shelters, women, men, children, etc. These shelters are typically for people that are currently displaced or do not have a permanent place to live. These shelters are typically non-profit as well, therefore they greatly need donations. If you go on a shelters’ website, they will usually have listed items that are in dire need, such as hygiene items, blankets, clothing, toys for children, etc.

2. Donate to a cause you care about!

This is another easy way to give back to communities or organizations that are close to your heart or that you care for! These can range anywhere from animal sanctuaries, pet shelters, medical organizations, international relief, and many more. Some companies like PayPal or Amazon have an option to donate a portion of your purchase to an organization of your choosing. Personally, I find this to be the most accessible option since not everyone can donate items or time to organizations.

Puppy Happy Fun Girl
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

3. Volunteer your time.

Volunteering your time can be extremely rewarding and allow you to connect with people that you might not meet in any other situation. This can easily be done at your community level, such as an animal shelter, a soup kitchen, local libraries, or even as simple as taking a quiz that allows for organizations such as World Hunger Notes to donate food to those who need it (which you can take here!). Whether you’re volunteering in a local organization or taking a quiz such as the one linked above, giving your time is a great way to serve a cause you care for!

4. Donate blood!

One of the most common and known ways to give back is by giving blood! Blood drives happen frequently in our communities, and it’s easily accessible. Social media sites, such as Facebook, even offer an option to search for and alert the user about blood drives in the area. Oftentimes, workplaces and schools will hold blood drives as well, which is easy to access if you work or attend an institution that does this.

5. Make cards for children that are hospitalized.

In high school, our Beta club often did this activity and it was one of my favorites! It’s a small portion of your time and energy to make a card that would help brighten a child’s day. Typically, these are a need during the holidays, especially in the winter, but most hospitals are taking them year-round! Cards for Hospitalized Kids (linked here) is an organization that is actively receiving and distributing cards to children that are hospitalized, but if you want to keep it local, you can always check with hospitals in your community.

Abigail Smith

Winthrop '24

Howdy! My name's Abigail, but you can call me Abby. I'm a 3rd-year student at Winthrop University, majoring in Elementary Education. I love cartoons, history, video games, animals, horseback riding, reading, and of course writing!