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On the Road Again: Commuter Probs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Being a commuter doesn’t seem like it’d be a bad experience, but it most definitely has its pros and cons. Before starting college I’d think to myself, “Hey! Commuting seems okay. I’ll stay in my own room, not worry about my roommate taking my food or taking up too much space or worry about when I can shower/do laundry. I DEFINITELY don’t have to worry about meals or being interrupted while studying!” Let me say one thing..

I regret saying this.

Being a commuter certainly does have its pros but it also comes along with a ton of cons. For example, as a commuter I feel like I’m missing out on the entire college experience because most people that I know are dorming, and they’re always talking about their roommate or how they’re going to meet up with other people in their hall. I think that dorming helps people transition from high school to college and it definitely helps people make friends.

I see all of these freshmen around me creating bonds with one another and I feel like the odd one out because it’s not like I could easily go over to someone’s dorm whenever I feel like it or tell some, “Hey! Come over later!” I feel like it’s harder to make friends because I’m not always on campus and my schedule doesn’t always coincide with someone else’s.

As a commuter, I can also say that it is an absolute drag having to drive back and forth, especially when your schedule is all over the place. It is also a drag having to drive home after class, and then go back to campus when there’s a club meeting or cultural event that I had to attend, whereas if you live on campus, all you have to do is walk a short distance to get to where you need to be. Now.. I know gas in Rock Hill is cheap but driving back and forth does cause my car to waste a lot of gas and paying $20+ a week for gas is not fun. If I had to choose now, I think that I would choose dorming in a heartbeat. I wish that I could have dormed but it would’ve been ridiculous to pay a large amount of money to live on campus when I only live about 15-20 minutes away.

Now, if you’re a commuter, I say that you should try to stay on campus as much as possible. Don’t let that stop you from making friends; you are not the only one commuting! Others know and understand what you’re going through, especially as a freshman. If it makes you feel more comfortable, talk to other commuters and hang out with them! It may be difficult to get accustomed to, but you’ll get the hang of it. College is an experience; make sure to be involved as much as possible! There will always be someone who is in a same position as you, and as for friends, they’re everywhere! Don’t be afraid to meet people whether they live on or off campus! You have the green light to get to know other people, all you have to do is GO FOR IT!

Itzel Lara

Winthrop '20

Itzel Lara is a junior Social Studies Education major at Winthrop! She has hopes of becoming a high school teacher, and work her way up to teaching at a university! She has been a staff writer for Her Campus Winthrop for 3 years! One of the many reasons why Itzel loves Her Campus is because of the love that everyone has for one another – Her Campus has been a home away from home for her. She is originally from Los Angeles, California and relocated to South Carolina to continue her education. She is absolutely obsessed with giraffes! She loves exploring new places - especially waterfalls! If she's not binge watching something on Netflix then she's probably napping or hanging out with her dog, Jasper! Follow her on instagram (@ItzelCeleste_)! 
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.