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The Perks of Being Single this Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

It’s Valentine’s Day! The day that chocolate, wine and conversation hearts flow like water. The day you can’t stop holding hands with your boyfriend or girlfriend on your cute date. Well… if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, that is. If you’re one of the millions of people who is single this time of year, it’s no biggie. (Let’s be honest, there have to be at least a couple thousand single students at Winthrop.)

Spending Valentine’s Day alone isn’t the end of the world, although much of the population will try to convince you otherwise. Sadly, the general public is plagued with misconceptions about single people on Valentine’s Day.

How people in relationships think single people spend Valentine’s Day:

How single people actually (or should) spend Valentine’s Day:


If you are single this Valentine’s Day, break the stereotype. Don’t spend Valentine’s Day in misery when a bit of creativity is all you need to find happiness. Here are some foolproof tips to ensure that you have a fabulous Valentine’s Day (even at Winthrop).

1. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Valentine’s Day is only one day in this vast year. It doesn’t define or destroy you, so don’t let it. Hang with fellow single friends, go out dancing or just sit in your room and binge on 10 seasons of Criminal Minds. The world is your oyster tonight and the sky is the limit, just have fun as the day breezes by. Besides, most single people forget it’s even a holiday. Don’t even acknowledge it and you’ll fit right in.

2. Buy the kitten

Have you always dreamed of getting a cuddly pet, but never wanted to spend the extra cash? With the money that you’re not spending on a gift for a significant other, you now can! Cuddle with your adorable feline all day and receive the rainbows and sunbeams it bestows upon you. Tell it all your problems, reassured that it can never complain of boredom.

So what if Winthrop doesn’t allow pets in the dorms? Build your cat a house in the bushes outside your window. Pet it on your way to class. Feed it as you walk back from Thomson. Kiss it if you don’t mind accidentally ingesting hair. Buy a cat and experience the joy that only it can give. You will receive returns from this investment long after Valentine’s Day is over, returns which a significant other simply cannot match.

3. Eat everything and anything your heart desires

While people are out impressing (or depressing, depending how the date goes) their significant other, you don’t have to worry about a thing. You don’t have to cook for a romantic night in or worry about offending someone’s nose, which means that your food options are nearly limitless. Want garlic on your pizza? Have at it! Want that weird combination of food that usually grosses out anyone with a stomach? Feel free! And when it’s over, you can belch all you want. Because let’s face it, tonight there’s no reason to pretend you don’t burp.

4. Forget about wearing makeup and a dress

No date means little stress over what to wear. No need for an extended make-up session because the line on your left eye is thicker than the right. No more going through nine different hair-styles because number three made your face look round and number six makes your neck look fat. And no falling into hysterics because you think your dress is showing those crazy panty lines. Just grab some sweats and a bar of chocolate and settle in for a night of Netflix.

5. Inspire other Winthrop women

Instead of buying or receiving flowers that will die in a few days, spend your free time wisely. Write on the walls of public bathroom stalls to encourage your fellow humans. (Note the examples below, which can be found in the first and second floor of the women’s bathrooms in Owens Hall at Winthrop).

Your first choice is obviously the inspirational quote about female power, self-love and bravery. Some examples being “Stop letting fear control you,” and “Be someone who makes you happy.”

The second option is to write the lyrics to your favorite song in cursive so that only the truly dedicated can read it and be encouraged. (Shout out to Paramore.)

The third option is to take advantage of girls’ sedentary state and advertise a website that you’re passionate about, knowing that curiosity will overwhelm girls and they will google search it immediately. 

6. Treat yourself to a massage and retail therapy

On this day of love, find the time to love and treat yourself. There is nothing like a great massage and an hour of utter bliss to make your mind melt and to settle your thoughts. And if massages aren’t your thing, hit the mall. It’s Valentine’s Day, which means huge sales! If you don’t want to buy anything, window shopping can be just as fun. Or you can grab a drink and people watch. Alone time can be fun time.

7. Indulge on tumblr

If you’re feeling particularly ambitious and lazy, you can solve all the world’s problems without even leaving your bed. Immerse yourself in the divine entity that is tumblr.  If you haven’t already done so, you can become a feminist and a social justice warrior overnight.


So on this Valentine’s Day, we gift you with these creative ways to combat any misery that may assault your single self. Now go in peace, hug your new cat with contentment and prove all of the stereotypes wrong.

'ello. I'm a sophomore at Winthrop University, majoring in English-Creative Writing. I'm currently writing a magical realism novel trilogy, which I hope to finish by the time I graduate. J. K. Rowling is my Muse and Lemony Snicket is my inspiration. I actually love singing and playing piano more than I like writing. I'm an incurable introvert, so I spend most of my free time reading books, sleeping, and watching Netflix. I don't get out much... I say lolz too much. idk
Howdy, my name's Allegra and I am currently a Sophomore at Winthrop University. I'm a Mass Communications major and am a diligent reader.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.