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An Open Letter To The Girl That Isn’t Homesick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

I could begin this with a bulleted list of college cliché’s concerning home and how much you would miss it when you left, but I would rather skip straight to the point and be honest with you seeing that life rarely beats around the bush to make us more comfortable. College is awesome. There is nothing quite like it. You are given the freedom to come and go as you please, with an unavoidable sense of adulthood as you essentially lay the path and build the foundation for your own future. But what is it supposed to mean when your friends are having periodical breakdowns because they desire the comfort of home, and there you are, with a puzzled look on your face because not once have you wished to be back on your old stomping grounds?

No, there isn’t anything wrong with you. That does not mean that you hate your family. In a sense, the plague of homesickness could be quite hindering and distracting from the reason why you are at college in the first place. Chances are, if those friends of yours could not seem to brush that feeing under the rug, they would have taken an impromptu trip home, which probably only made things worse.

And then there is you. Consider it a blessing that your past stays in your past and that you have made a habit of only looking ahead. If you look ahead for long enough to notice all the life that is left to live, you will never look back again. You may feel as though you are standing by yourself on this one, but you are facing the right direction. 

Sure, I miss my parents and my dog. But that’s about it. I know that sounds a bit cynical, but let me explain. My hometown is a symbol of my childhood. I learned to ride my bike down the streets of a seaside town that I called home for sixteen years. I made friends that lasted through twelve years of school. Then I packed my bags and watched, as my childhood grew distant in the rearview mirror en route to college. I am not a child anymore. I crave success. I crave challenges. And I am homesick, but for places that I have yet to go. 

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.