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Motivational Monday: “Visible”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

In regards to the up and coming Black Lives Matter movement as well as the issue on police brutality I spoke with a member (anonymous) of the up and roaring organization “Visible.” This organization was created to give under represented students on campus a “platform” to do the things they want on campus as well as create a “family environment” where their voices will always be seen and heard. Hence the name “visible”.

I sought out some answers on the history of Tillman Hall and why “Visible” as well as many other students on campus are standing up to make a change in the historic building’s name. Ben Tillman was not only a huge benefactor of Winthrop but was also a racist. So the question at hand is how can we stand as a diverse and global campus if the name of this building symbolizes hate? So in response, “Visible” and many other students came together to raise awareness about the contradiction of the building’s name as well as demand justice for the victims of police brutality.

“Visible” is just now starting on campus but they have already made a big impact with the community. They are not only advocating to make their own voices heard but to recognize every individual’s voice. Their motivation to make a change on campus is extraordinarily strong and powerful. This group highly motivated individuals are leaving indentations on the grounds of this campus to promote “unity” on campus as a whole, now and forever.  

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.