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Kali Coleman: The Road to Editor-in-chief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Name: Kali Coleman

Year: Junior

Major: Mass Communication

Hometown: Graniteville, South Carolina

Position: Editor-in-chief of The Johnsonian


How did you get involved with The Johnsonian?

I got involved my sophomore year, which was last year. I was a part of Her Campus my freshman year, when it started out with Carolyn. Carolyn was leaving at the end of the year to take over the editor in chief position at The Johnsonian. She told me to apply for a position so I tried to apply for staff writer, and at the time I didn’t know you didn’t have to apply to be a staff writer so she told me to apply for whatever editor position I thought I would be good at. I didn’t think I would be good at any of them, but I still applied. Later, I was chosen to be co-editor for Arts and Culture.

What was it like to have such an influential role as Co-editor for Arts and Culture?

In the beginning I was nervous. I didn’t know what went into making newspapers. I hadn’t taken the class where you learn how to write articles yet and I had no clue what I was doing.

I figured I was already in it, so I had to figure out something.

What was it like writing your first article for The Johnsonian?

My first article was about the legalization of same sex marriage and I had no clue how to write an article so I looked it up. I literally Googled “how to write an article.” I read articles online and got tips. It ended up being a great article and the EIC at the time, Carolyn Rennix, loved it. I couldn’t believe it, but I was so excited.

You’ve been EIC for a few weeks now. How is it going so far?

You know, it has been going good. It’s a lot more work than I originally thought it would be. I didn’t expect it to be as time consuming. Most of the time, it feels like I barely have time to breathe.

What is the best thing that has happened since you became EIC?

The best thing that happened so far would have to be the fact that I finally found my place on campus. More people know who I am, I know more people and I have made many more friendships through my position and I think that’s the best. I feel like this is where I am supposed to be.

Do you think it is important being a woman and having this position?

I think it is very important. We have a lot less males on our staff than usual. The majority of staffs in the past have been mainly male oriented and this year it is more female driven. I appreciate it. I like to see a lot of women taking leadership roles. It’s important because I feel like we never get positions of power, throughout history and life in general today, it’s important for us to realize we can do it, we are capable.

What would you tell someone who is interested in joining The Johnsonian team?

I would tell them to go straight for it. I was so nervous when I started and now I am editor in chief.


Experienced writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry with strong knowledge of AP Style. Skilled in verbal communication and video filming and editing. Exceptional at creating multimedia and promotional materials.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.