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I Tried To Go One Week Without Coffee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

I am an extreme coffee lover. Drinking coffee at least once a day has become a part of my daily routine and I truly don’t know where in the world I would be without it.

7 days without Starbucks? Who in their right mind would ever agree to that?!

Well apparently I would… and guess what?

I failed.

College students don’t need caffeine, right?


I decided to keep a journal update throughout what I considered the worst week of my life and here it is:

Day 1: I CAN DO THIS! It’s just one week, and I can definitely handle it.. plus the money I didn’t spend on Starbucks, could go to something else. What a smart idea!

Day 2: This 8 a.m. is dreadful… I miss coffee. I need it.. but I must pull through..

Day 3: *walking past Starbucks* Oh hey! I miss you… just a couple of more days and I promise that we’ll be reunited..

Day 4: And that is when I cracked.

I AM IN SUCH A TERRIBLE MOOD, I NEED COFFEE AND I NEED IT NOW! As I say this, I’m rushing my way to Starbucks, wallet in hand and order on my mind. Words cannot describe the guilty pleasure that I felt when I took that first sip of my white mocha.

Oh coffee… how I love thee.

Itzel Lara

Winthrop '20

Itzel Lara is a junior Social Studies Education major at Winthrop! She has hopes of becoming a high school teacher, and work her way up to teaching at a university! She has been a staff writer for Her Campus Winthrop for 3 years! One of the many reasons why Itzel loves Her Campus is because of the love that everyone has for one another – Her Campus has been a home away from home for her. She is originally from Los Angeles, California and relocated to South Carolina to continue her education. She is absolutely obsessed with giraffes! She loves exploring new places - especially waterfalls! If she's not binge watching something on Netflix then she's probably napping or hanging out with her dog, Jasper! Follow her on instagram (@ItzelCeleste_)! 
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.