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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking: why in the world is she doing this?

Well, after hearing that shampooing your luscious locks every day can damage it, I invested in dry shampoo and cut back on my daily hair washes and decided to go a week without washing it at all. I actually brought this on myself, suggesting it for an article after hearing that not washing your hair for a week, although gross, can actually make your hair softer and shinier. The HC Winthrop team and I decided on two rules: one, that I can still rinse my hair out every night, and two, that I’m allowed to use dry shampoo. I documented the week on my Snapchat story and below for your viewing pleasure.

Day 1: Clean and Conditioned

Let me just start by saying I’m pretty skeptical about this whole thing, since the whole point of dry shampoo is to soak up excess oils, but let’s hope I’m proved wrong. I started the week with freshly washed hair and set off to class. As per my usual routine, I ended up braiding part of my hair back, since my grown-out bangs have an annoying habit of flopping into my face when I’m trying to study. This was most likely for the best, since I have a habit of touching my hair, which only makes it oilier. I used a little bit of mousse to get rid of some frizz, but other than that, I wore my natural texture today, making me look like a long-lost HAIM member.

Number of requests to stop: 1 outright request and 1 “you’re going to hate yourself for this”…so let’s say 1.5

I should probably say that I’m relatively new to selfies.

Day 2: Business as Usual

My hair was a tad oily this morning, but it was nothing a little dry shampoo couldn’t fix (I usually go a day without washing my hair anyway). Since I don’t have Friday classes, I ventured out to Target to purchase two more beanies, on a hunch that I would be quite grateful to have them as this week wore on. Styling-wise, I used a bit of mousse to bring out my natural texture and left it at that. I accepted the fact that I’m just going to touch my hair no matter how hard I try. Let’s hope a nightly rinsing and daily dry shampoo application can cover it!

Number of requests to stop: still holding at 1.5

Shout-out to my desk lamp for this lighting.

Day 3: Two-Day Hair

Apparently, my hair likes not being washed, because it was much more voluminous than usual even before I put on dry shampoo. I used my trusty mousse again before running out to meet with friends from class. My hair was much wavier than usual today, especially after spending two and a half hours in the gym procrastinating my papers.  Even though it was dirtier than usual, a friend still complimented my hair today. Maybe some good will come of this.

No one else is even noticing, so I’m scratching my request tally.

Ah, yes, my RBF in its natural state. I promise I wear things other than hoodies. I took most of these pictures late at night in my sweats.

Day 4: Nothing’s Happening?

When I woke up this morning, I noticed something strange: my hair didn’t look or feel greasy. I found this odd, considering the fact that I sweat like a sinner in church at the gym yesterday and have been taking shorter showers than usual (I never realized how long it takes to wash my hair). Other than dry shampoo, there’s no product in my hair today, since I will be returning to the gym for my weekly Zumba class. No major complaints so far, but we’ll see how I feel wearing four-day-hair in class tomorrow.

Part of my incredibly white face is the lighting, part of it is my sheer inability to tan. It’s why I love winter: it’s socially acceptable to look like Casper.

Day 5: I Hate Mondays

Now, I am in no way a morning person, so waking up for class today felt a little bit like the world was ending. Y’all, I didn’t even put in dry shampoo this morning (yes, I know that’s gross, and yes, I’m horribly ashamed – or was for two seconds before I realized I was too tired to care). I threw on one of my now numerous beanies and set off. I used some sea foam, which works similarly to sea salt spray, in my hair to make it wavy. But even before I added the product, my hair felt heavy and whatever volume I’ve had the past few days disappeared. 

I forgot to take a selfie today, so instead please enjoy a visual representation of how I feel.

Day 6: Hey Jealousy

Tuesdays are my busiest days, so today I got to see more students on campus than I usually do. I can now fully appreciate the girls with great hair on campus – nice, shiny, clean hair. I, on the other hand, have my hair shamefully crammed under a beanie for the second day in a row (today’s is white). I dedicated “Hello” by Adele to my shampoo and conditioner today. The only thing getting me through is the promise of tomorrow night and being reunited with my precious shampoo.

The face of a girl who is just done.

Day 7: Counting Down the Hours

Today marks the third day in a row with a beanie, and I am both pleasantly surprised and relieved that no one else has seemed to notice this new change to my wardrobe. But today, it all ends: I will be able to wash my hair again like a normal human being. I have never been so excited to take a shower in my life.

Day 8: It’s Over

I’m clean! I am a normal human being again!

Honestly though, washing my hair last night was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. No longer do I have to hide my hair or try not to have anyone notice me.  However, my hair doesn’t seem significantly softer or shinier after going without washing for a week. 

And the verdict?  Unless you just really, really want to try it for yourself, don’t put yourself through this misery. I make these mistakes, collegiettes, so you don’t have to.

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.