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The Dangers of Being Unaware While on College Campuses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

We see it everywhere on campus: students immersed in their cell phones while walking to class. They talk on the phone the whole walk to class, they text as they go up the stairs and they scroll through Instagram while crossing the road without even looking to see if a car is coming.

The worst thing we see is when people do these things at night…while walking alone. The bottom line is being unaware of your surroundings makes you a target for all kinds of things. As stated on the Winthrop University Campus Police (WUPO) website, “If a crime is going to occur, the offender must have three things to accomplish the task: desire, ability, and opportunity. Personally, there is not much that you can do about the offender’s desire and ability. However, you can take steps to control the offender’s opportunity.”

The number one public campus crime is burglary, followed by sex offenses. Like the WUPO website states, you can control your offender’s opportunity by getting off your cell phone while you walk and paying attention to your surroundings, especially if you are alone. One of the best things you can do is never walk alone. If you are in a situation where you don’t have anyone to walk with and you do not feel safe to walk alone, call your campus police for an escort. You can also have 911 or your campus police’s number pre-dialed on your cell phone so you are ready should you need to call for help.

If you are walking around campus alone any time of day, you shouldn’t wear headphones. We know that runners enjoy going for a nice run while listening to their workout jams, but in the end it can be dangerous for you. If you have your music blasting in your ears, you entirely shut out one the most important of your senses for awareness.

Here are some great safety apps to download in case of an emergency.


SafeTrek is a great app that is very easy to use. When you feel that you may be at risk, start the app and hold down the on-screen button. When you feel safe again, release the button and enter your 4 digit pin. If you are in danger, release the button and do not enter your pin. The local police are then notified of your location and your emergency. Available on both IOS and Android.


MyForce maintains a team of on-call technicians who are ready to assist you in case of an emergency. Simply launch the app when you feel you are at risk, then tap the send alert button to immediately connect to an agent. The agent will record, track and listen to what is going on and send help to your area immediately.Available on both IOS and Android.


OnWatch is designed for college students, so it is the perfect app the download to help you stay safe on campus. Not only does it have a “Call 911” and “Call 911 and Friends” option, but it also has a “Call Campus Police” feature (you will need to manually enter the number to your campus police ahead of time). Available on both IOS and Android.

Stay safe, Collegiettes, and stay alert! 

Ali Maclay is a biology major, chemistry minor, psychology minor, and honors student at Winthrop University. She is an aspiring Neuroscientist and hopes to work at St. Jude Children's Hospital. She is the Facebook Social Media Director for Her Campus Winthrop's Facebook page, and associate member of Tri Beta Biological Honors Society, and a member of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society at Winthrop. When she's not doing academic work, working at her job, or writing for HC, she's probably binge-watching Netflix, dreaming on Pinterest, stress cleaning, or eating ice cream.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.