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Cutie Couple: Taylor and Noah

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Names:  Noah Price and Taylor Phillips

Hometown:  Columbia, SC

Major:  Elementary Education


Why did you both choose to come to Winthrop?

Noah:  We both got a full ride scholarship, and it’s the best school in South Carolina for education majors.

Taylor:  I chose Winthrop because I’m an elementary education major and because of the scholarships.  And it’s small and it’s far enough away from home, but not too far.


Why did you both choose your major in Elementary Education?

Noah:  My mom, brother and sister-in-law are all teachers. Both of my grandparents were teachers as well.

Taylor:  I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and I had a lot of practice in high school. I was a teacher cadet and I taught second grade.  I fell in love with it.


Are you involved on campus?

Noah:  Yes, I am in Pi Kappa Phi.

Taylor:  We’re both members of Palmetto State Teachers Association (PSTA) and I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi.


How did you two meet?

Taylor: We both met freshman year at Airport High School and we had the same classes.  Junior year we had art class together and that’s kind of when it all started. 


How long have you all been together?

Taylor:  It will be two years on 19th of February.


Do you have any special Valentine’s Day plans?

Noah:  Just dinner and movie! It’ll be romantic and relaxing. 


What is your favorite moment as a couple?

Noah:  Two weeks ago, we went out to dinner and went to one of the Japanese hibachi resturaunts.  Two older ladies from Toronto were next to us and they were some of the funniest people ever.  They said we weren’t going make it [as a couple].  One said we were the perfect the couple.  The other just said, “No.”  One of them even said we needed to travel before we settle down. 

Taylor:  I would say our best moment was over this past summer. His stepdad has a beach house in Cherry Grove at North Myrtle Beach, and I was able to go spend the week with them. We went to Ripley’s Aquarium. It was just fun being at the beach and being able to spend that time together.

Emily Grace Gill is a senior mass communication major with minors in business and theater. When she's not thinking about writing or traveling, she is befriending every dog she sees on campus.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.