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Am I Dreaming Or Did Kylie Really Have A Baby?!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

After months and months — well nine to be exact — of wondering if the one and only, Kylie Jenner was pregnant, we finally have an answer. ..


Kylie Jenner announced that she and Travis Scott welcomed a baby girl to the world on February 1st. Months ago we heard rumors that Kylie was expecting, but no one knew FOR SURE. But I can tell ya, you couldn’t help but keep up (good pun, right?) with all the gossip! I feel like I went through quite a few of stages and emotions with every rumor that came out, check them out below!


1. Hearing that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Travis Scott’s baby

There is no way that King Kylie is pregnant!! Hmm, what made her want to start a family with Travis Scott? Is she really pregnant or is the internet just messing with me? SO MANY QUESTIONS!


2. Reading all the conspiracy theories on Kylie and her pregnancy. For example, people were starting to say that Kylie was Khloe’s surrogate (Like, whaaat?!)

Could she really be Khloe’s surrogate? The timing is awfully interesting… Is she even pregnant at all, because I don’t see any confirmation. I need answers!!


3. Noticing that Kylie went off the grid for what seemed to be an ETERNITY!!

Kylie, where did you go?! Why can’t you at least tweet? Could this mean the rumors are true???


4. Getting online and seeing Kylie Jenner trending

Why is Kylie trending? She probably tweeted.. or did she post a photo on Insta?


5. Reading that Kylie Jenner GAVE BIRTH TO A BABY GIRL!!!

Can you believe it?!?! You can’t help but feel like you went through the entire journey with them.


Kylie posted a short-film documenting the past 9 months, and I could not help but get teary-eyed! Kylie also posted a photo where she stated that she wanted her pregnancy to be stress free, therefore she did not want to immediately share it with the world (Understandable!).

Kylie said, “Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life changing experience I’ve had in my entire life and I’m actually going to miss it.”


Congrats Ky! We couldn’t be any more happier for you. However, there is still one extremely important question: What’s the baby’s name?

Itzel Lara

Winthrop '20

Itzel Lara is a junior Social Studies Education major at Winthrop! She has hopes of becoming a high school teacher, and work her way up to teaching at a university! She has been a staff writer for Her Campus Winthrop for 3 years! One of the many reasons why Itzel loves Her Campus is because of the love that everyone has for one another – Her Campus has been a home away from home for her. She is originally from Los Angeles, California and relocated to South Carolina to continue her education. She is absolutely obsessed with giraffes! She loves exploring new places - especially waterfalls! If she's not binge watching something on Netflix then she's probably napping or hanging out with her dog, Jasper! Follow her on instagram (@ItzelCeleste_)! 
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.