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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

There are many benefits to keeping plants in your dorm, some can purify air and they all promote the flow of oxygen. Plants also have a unique way of lifting the mood of your dorm by adding a pop of color. Because we all get so busy in college the main thing about this list is that all of these plants are low maintenance. With midterms and finals it can be easy to forget to water a plant but with these that won’t be a problem. 

Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

The snake plant is a super easy to care for low maintenance plant that is perfect for the student on the go who wants to add freshness to their living space. These plants do not need a lot of water or direct sunlight so setting it on your desk or dresser by the window will be more than enough for them. You only need to water them every two to three days (or whenever you remember the soil is dry). They produce oxygen, to help you think more clearly, and can absorb toxins in the air (they are mildly toxic to pets)!

Tree houseleeks (Aeonium)

These tree houseleeks or “Hens and Chicks” are wonderful for the forgetful type. They are low growing succulents that don’t need much water but thrive when left in direct sunlight. Water when the soil has completely dried out during the summer months and during the winter months water lightly when the top inch of soil is dry. 

Aloe vera (barbadensis miller)

Another plant that doesn’t need constant attention. Aloe likes to be in dry sandy soil and in direct sunlight. These plants prefer dry soil so you would only need to water them once a week during the summer or twice a month in the winter. Another reason aloe is great to have on hand is because it can help treat burns.

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Zz plants have become popular in recent years because of its tolerance for low light and its low water requirements. Like the snake plant these ones only need indirect sunlight so that gives you a bit more freedom in deciding how you will use it in your decorating. These plants are also not pet safe; they can cause irritation to many. 

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The spider plant can help you gain a sense of routine because these plants like to be watered once a week. These also thrive in indirect sunlight. The striped leaves can add an extra pop of color to your dorm. These plants are pet friendly and have grown popular because of their air purifying properties. 

Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatica)

This plant is actually a type of tree. In its early stages it is commonly kept as a houseplant because it is medium sized, harty and easy to care for indoors. This one needs a few hours of direct sunlight each day, they also do well under fluorescent lighting. This plant is the one that will need the most attention in this list. What that means is that you should water this one every time the top inch of soil is dry (once  every 2-4 days).These plants can flower but do not usually do so when kept indoors. 

Dasia Elswick

Winthrop '23

I am a Digital Information Design student with a concentration in Interactive Media. I wanted to improve my writing skills while being involved in a wonderful community.