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5 Tips That’ll Help You Stay Organized In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

College can be a stressful time, and now that it’s fall and classes are starting to get into the swing of things, you finally are faced with the question that you’ve been dreading to ask yourself all summer: Are you ready for this year? Trying to balance an academic, social, and personal life can get very overwhelming at times. So, how are you supposed to manage all of life’s demands while remembering that these are supposed to be the best four years of your life?

You get organized. 

It doesn’t matter if you are an extrovert or an introvert, clean or messy, a biology major or art major — every college student needs to learn some organizational skills! Here are some helpful tips and tricks on how to get your life on track this year!

Invest in a plannerUse it and use it every day. Write down every assignment and due date because chances are, you won’t remember that psychology test two months from now!I find it helpful to have a planner that allows a monthly glance page and weekly glance pages. If you keep up with all of your assignments and due dates, then scheduling social events becomes a lot less stressful! (You also can plan ahead for those extra demanding weeks!) 

Start color coding Highlighting test dates or project due dates makes them harder to forget or miss. Highlighting or circling with colored pens in textbooks also makes finding source information a lot quicker and easier from reading assignments.

Stay CleanCollege can be fast paced and sometimes you might throw down one book only to pick the next one up and run out of the door to your next class. However, it’s important to have a clean space to live in. If you keep all of your books and supplies in a specific location, it can increase homework production and cut down on study time so you aren’t having to look for that history book or your favorite highlighter.

Make lists Have you ever forgotten to do a homework assignment because you had so many other things to do, or struggle with prioritizing what is most important for you? Lists can help! It’s helpful to have everything you need to do all in one place, along with having it in the order you need to do it in. Plus, it feels great to cross things off the list as you go!

Stick ’em with the sticky notesSticky notes are a fun way to leave yourself reminders, write down to-do lists, or comment on information in text books! They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors! They can be particularly helpful for jotting down quick notes to come back to later and they are moveable/removable so they can hold information in planners and books when you run out of space!


Once you follow these small tips, you’re on the road to a successful and productive year! Have a great semester, collegiettes, and stay organized! 


Hi, I am Becky. I am a Fine Arts major with a concentration in commercial photography and a minor in marketing at Winthrop University. I thrive off of coffee and community. You can get to know me a little better by my personal blog fullerbecky.blogspot.com .
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.