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18 Things I Wished I Knew Before I Started College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

If I could hit a magical restart button and redo the last 3 ½ years of my college experience, I would definitely do it in a heartbeat.

Sometimes I face-palm myself for some of the mistakes I’ve made that are too late to correct now, but the only thing I can do now is soothe my troubles with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. Below are a few examples of things I wished I knew before I started college.

1. Never take a math class in the morning, if you can help it.

2. Avoid Friday classes. It’s great being able to sleep in.

3. Go to office hours. Your professors want you to pass their class. Take advantage of the opportunity and go see them if you need help. Your grade will improve as a result.

4. Intern as soon as you can. And intern as many times as you can.

5. Go to sleep when you can. Because you may be forced to pull an all-nighter the next night.

6. Save money whenever you can. You’re going to be a broke college student at least once during your college experience and $5 can really go a long way.

7. Take the professor’s offer to have he or she read over your paper before it’s due. Your grade will be much higher than if you didn’t let your professor read your paper.

8. Join clubs during your freshman year. Don’t wait to the later end of your college career to start building connections and relationships.

9. Get involved in more campus activities. Especially ones that have free food.

10. Don’t skip class, unless you’re vomiting and kind of dying.

11. Get out of your comfort zone. You just might meet your best friend that way.

12. Don’t feel the need to have a super awesome adventure or accomplish something really big while you’re in college just because someone on your Facebook feed is having the time of their life. Because some people on Facebook lie about what they’re doing.

13. Pay attention in class. Don’t daydream about what you want to eat for dinner.

14. Create a schedule. Decide when you’re going to study and stick to it.

15. Don’t compare your educational college experience to other people’s. Just do your best and everything else will fall into place.

16. Don’t worry so much about grades. Your GPA does not determine who you are.

17. Take advantage of free tutoring. Especially when it comes to math.

18. And seriously, just avoid Friday classes. 

Anna-Marie Hayward is a senior mass communications major at Winthrop University. She is passionate about journalism and wants to go into sports journalism as a career. Her favorite sports are football and basketball, and she is an avid fan of the WWE. She loves writing poetry on a variety of subjects, composing songs in a variety of genres, reading just about anything, exercising three times a week, and playing video games even when they make her rage. You can follow her on Twitter at @annabananatrees and on Instagram at annabanana_4ever. 
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.