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The A-Zs: Dorm Room Alphabet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

A.    Alarm clock: Mine has Bluetooth so that I can set my alarm to make my favorite song the first thing I hear in the morning! It’ll make those 8am classes a little more bearable to get up for.

B.    Body pillow: A body pillow is a great purchase because it can be propped up anywhere and serve as an awesome backrest as you study – or have a Netflix marathon!

C.     Coffee maker: My loyalty lies with Keurig, but you can use any type you want! They’re compact, colorful and can even boil hot water to make tea… or ramen.

D.    Desk lamp: I love my little one from Target because it’s space efficient but still provides a lot of light for times that the overhead lights in the dorm are just too bright.

E.     Envelopes: I love having spare envelopes because I can write letters to my friends at other schools and they can come in handy for job applications.

F.     Frames: It makes being away from friends and family easier if you have cute picture frames with precious memories to hang in your room.

G.    Grocery totes: It’s a lot more environmentally friendly to carry your Kwik-Trip groceries home in something other than a plastic bag.

H.    Highlighters: They make the perfect addition to any pencil pouch and make long textbook readings easier when you underline important information.

I.      Ice cube tray: Perfect for keeping in your mini fridge to save money and make iced coffee at home.

J.      Jewelry rack: I have two separate ones, and they’re super useful to hang necklaces, bangles or even scarves!

K.     Kleenex: Inevitably, we will all get the case of the sniffles at some point.

L.     Lights: String lights add a pretty little glow to borders of any room!

M.   Mugs: After you buy your coffee maker, you’ll need some mugs to drink it out of.

N.    Neosporin: My first aid kit has all the essentials, and Neosporin is great for little cuts you might get climbing out of your lofted bed.

O.    Organizer: I have four in my room: one for dishes, one for shoes, one for snacks, and one for laundry/extra shower products. The more baskets, the better!

P.     Planner: All busy people need one to schedule time for studying and write down assignments and events. Plus, there is an abundance of cute and customizable designs. My personal favorites are made by Erin Condren.

Q.    Quaker: Oatmeal is a solid standby breakfast and can easily be made in the microwave (amp it up with a banana from the café).

R.    Ramen: It’s a must.

S.     Sherpa blanket: They are the softest thing ever and best for cuddling under with a good book or your latest Netflix binge.

T.     Toiletries: There is something so comforting about having the same dryer sheets as home so it smells like you never left.

U.    Underwear: It seems self-explanatory, but bring enough in case some get lost in the laundry.

V.     Velvet slippers: They are so comfortable and ideal for walking around the dorm without having to put on actual shoes.

W. Water bottle: Stay hydrated!

X. (e)Xercise clothes: Take advantage of the gym on campus – or just lounge in them and give people the impression that you work out!

Y. Yeti: These tumblers keep drinks extremely hot or cold and can also hold a pint of ice cream perfectly if you put ice in the bottom of the cup – life hack.

Z. Ziploc bags: Use them to carry snacks to class!

My name is Hannah Hippensteel, and I like to say I'm a Chicago city-slicker, but I'm actually from the 'burbs. I'm currently a senior at Winona State with a major in mass communication-journalism and a minor in sociology. Catch me enjoying all Winona has to offer: the bluffs, the incomparable Bloedow's Bakery, and not to mention, Minnesota boys. With a goal of working at Teen Vogue, Seventeen or Glamour magazine, I'm soaking up every opportunity to keep my finger on the pulse and share my personal voice!
Hi I'm Emily and I'm from Appleton, Wisconsin! I'm a Mass Communication- Advertising student, with a minor in Art History at WSU. I like concerts, hockey, cooking, and dancing in the car. I also enjoy guacamole, french fries, and caramel iced coffees from Dunkin' Donuts. All I really want to do is travel the world, move to a big city, and spend my weekends on a lake. IG & Twitter @esheptoski