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Warrior Snaps Gone Wrong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

There has been a lot of talk about Warrior Snaps and the scandalous photos, rude comments, and hate toward others that has appeared on the Warrior Snaps’ story.

Recently there have been issues with other anonymous social media applications like Yik Yak and Fade as well. I personally used Yik Yak for two days before I deleted it because of all of the negativity that was consuming the feed. How is it so easy for people to put down each other, places, and things that another enjoys down? While we are all entitled to our own opinion, I would like all of you to think before you post.

“Pulling someone down will never help you to the top.”

Just know that you could ruin another person’s day, or hurt a person so badly that you cause them to do something that could change their life, and the others around them, forever. When something is anonymous that doesn’t give the right to put down other people, or expose yourself or others to the entire university. Once you say something you cannot take it back, and just because your name isn’t stamped next to the comment doesn’t mean you didn’t say it. Remember the golden rule that we learned in elementary, “treat others the way you would like to be treated.” I would hope that by the time we reach college we are all mature enough to know that putting down others and not respecting ourselves is immature. You have no idea where a person may have come from, what they have experienced, and what might be the thing that finally puts them in place where they don’t want to deal with it anymore.

Warrior Snaps should have been a story filled with snaps of our beautiful university, and uplifting comments and of course FUN because we are a community of diverse students that represent Winona State, so lets represent it well. Unfortunately we have lost our Warrior Snap privileges here at Winona State. 

“Kill them with kindness.”

Let this be a reminder to all of you that each of us should be proud of who we are, where we come from, what we enjoy, and lastly the community that we are apart of.

Stay classy Winona.

Meet Our Writer: Sarah Elizabeth Nyberg! Three words to describe Sarah are positive, independent and caring. She is an extreme lover of all things pink, pizza, and Desperate Housewives. She lives for warm sunny days, a good nap and a glass of wine (or five). When she is not dreaming about the future or catching up on the latest music from her favorite artists you can catch her sparking up conversation with the customers at ZaZa’s. She thoroughly enjoys a good laugh and mostly time spent with the ones she loves!
Miranda is currently a Winona State University senior studying mass communication with an emphasis in advertising and is also pursing a graphic design degree. In addition to being Winona State’s Campus Correspondent, she is also the president of WSU’s Advertising Federation club. When she’s not busy binge watching One Tree Hill for the umpteenth time, you can find her working on her longboards, which she creates from scratch. She is a Diet Coke addict and indie music enthusiast filled with passion and imagination. She plans to get out of chilly Minnesota to find internship opportunities after graduation.