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Things To Stop Feeling Guilty For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

In an image driven society, there is constant pressure on women (and men) to appear perfect.  Let’s get one thing straight ladies. You aren’t perfect, you won’t ever be perfect, and that girl you think has it all together? Well guess what, she’s not perfect either.  Being your best  and enjoying yourself should be enough, but we constantly criticize ourselves for not being as good or better than the girl next to us.  “Comparison is the thief of joy,” Theodore Roosevelt once said, and he could not have said it better.  Stop feeling guilty for not being this ideal perfection, it’s not worth your time. Make it your goal to OWN it. We’re supposed to look perfect, get perfect grades, be a social butterfly and get a boyfriend/girlfriend all the while making it look effortless.  It doesn’t take an expert to realize how unattainable this is, and it’s time to stop feeling guilty about it. Here are some things to stop being ashamed of:


Eating what you want to eat.

Pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Why not! If that is what makes YOU happy, do it. This goes both ways ladies, if you feel better eating healthier, DO it! Don’t get discouraged when your BFF frowns upon your salad while she eats her cheeseburger, or vice versa.  It’s YOUR body, and the only one who has to live with it every second of every day is you, so why not make it happy?


Being Confident

Why do we always turn down compliments? Are we really that afraid of looking in the mirror and liking what we see? If someone tells you your hair looks perfect, own up and say thank you. After all, you did spend an extra 20 minutes on it and your efforts should be applauded.  Before you can love anyone else, you must love yourself first.  This is not being selfish.  Own it ladies!


Being Sensitive

As an advertising major, I watch a LOT of commercials; and I spend half my time tearing up during them.  I cry during sad commercials, happy ones, and especially those with animals or children.  Sure, I may be the only one sniffling after a 30 second ad spot but that makes me who I am, and I’m not ashamed of it.  Call me a sap, but I know a lot girls tough it out most of the time. It’s okay to be vulnerable, and sometimes you just need to let it out.


Spending Time Alone

I am a firm believer in Me Time.  This is the most important time of the day to recharge, reaffirm your goals, and just take a chill pill.  Independence is becoming less and less of a virtue in today’s infinitely connected world, and its value is underestimated.  Don’t be scared to be alone; you’re the only one that will always be by your side.  It’s time to become your own best friend.


Actually ENJOYING Being Single

You can do what you want, when you want, and no one can tell you otherwise.  When we were young, the assumption was that by 23 we would be engaged and/or have kids and pretty much be set for the rest of our lives.  I just turned 22, and I can tell you that every year I get older, the answer to the question “What will I do with the rest of my life?” does not get more clear.  Stop putting pressure on yourself to have everything figured out in the relationship department, or any department whatsoever. Enjoy your time to yourself, meet people, try new things, and don’t let it stress you out.  Everything will fall into place if you let it.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you. -Dr. Seuss


Devin, who got her name from a Billy Idol music video (Cradle of Love - no joke), was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  She studies Mass Communication with an emphasis in Advertising, and this helps fuel her love for creativity and passion for writing.  She loves to read smart books with long words, partake in deviant behaviors, and make people question what they believe. While sometimes outgoing and other times introverted, she finds pleasure practicing yoga and can never turn down a dare.  With a heavy dose of sarcasm and a dash of intellect, she'll be sure to entertain.
Miranda is currently a Winona State University senior studying mass communication with an emphasis in advertising and is also pursing a graphic design degree. In addition to being Winona State’s Campus Correspondent, she is also the president of WSU’s Advertising Federation club. When she’s not busy binge watching One Tree Hill for the umpteenth time, you can find her working on her longboards, which she creates from scratch. She is a Diet Coke addict and indie music enthusiast filled with passion and imagination. She plans to get out of chilly Minnesota to find internship opportunities after graduation.