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#thestruggleisreal: Lofted Bed Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Words can have the effect to bring back memories, so let’s try these two… lofted bed. Did anyone cringe a little? Or maybe you could not help but laugh when you think back to your lofted bed (which was the greatest idea ever until the end of the first week of school).

So here are some of the everyday struggles of a lofted bed, according to my floormates:

How it can feel climbing up to bed: 

(Bonus points if you had to do this every night in the dark)

The emotion you have when you are finally settled in bed and you forgot to bring something up with you (most likely your phone charger): 

When you miss a step while climbing down from bed: 

Finding creative ways to get down from bed without using the “ladder”: 

The pain when you hit your head on the bottom of the bed when you stand up underneath it: 

When the temperature instantly rises 20 degrees when you get up there (or so it seems):

Getting down and making the long walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night:

Praying that this never happens:

And finally, here’s a shout out to the ladies who lived in Sheehan and had to deal with this every. single. day: 

Meet Linsey Taylor, one of the campus correspondents for the Winona State Her Campus chapter. Linsey is a senior majoring in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in psychology and hopes to become a child life specialist with her degree. In her free time, Linsey enjoys reading, watching Netflix, and hanging out with friends and family.
Hannah Ingebrand is a Winona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and a Psychology minor. Hannah is equal parts homebody and adventurer. She craves travel and her heart was left in Paris years ago. She is in love with love, handwritten letters and all. Hannah believes in making meaningful connections with people and embracing different cultures. Her obsession with Pinterest only fuels her love for polar bears, French bulldogs, and all things fashion.