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Skills You Learn From Your Siblings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Growing up with three siblings, I had many times when something didn’t go my way. Even though you thought they were annoying when you were younger, now they are some of your favorite people. As I look back, having siblings growing up taught me many skills and lessons that I use in my everyday life.

Patience: Sometimes your siblings get on your last nerves. My siblings really taught me that you don’t always get what you want.

Leadership: I am the oldest of four kids. Being the oldest forced me to be mature and I have always wanted to be a good role model for my younger siblings.

Assertiveness: My siblings taught me how to be confident and stick up for what I want.

Forgiveness: The number of times that I would be so mad or annoyed with my siblings is infinite. Sometimes even if I didn’t want to, I would always forgive my siblings in the long run.

How to love unconditionally: Even today, there are things my siblings do that I question or wouldn’t necessarily agree with but they have taught me how to love unconditionally. They are the ones who are there for you no matter what and I will always love them.

How to not be over sensitive: This one is a big one for me. My siblings taught me how to let go and get over things fast. I don’t take things that don’t matter too seriously and I thank my siblings for that.

How to be a team player: Having siblings teaches you how to work well with others. They taught me that you might not always get what you want and you might have to negotiate.

My siblings have taught me many skills that I use today and will continue to use in the future.  Even when they drove me insane, I now realize that everything was a lesson in disguise. And my parents were right when they said one day your siblings will be your best friends.  

This is Gabriella Ingebrand: Junior at Winona State University majoring in Advertisement. She is a master when it comes to wasting time on Pinterest and making a mess while baking in the kitchen. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Winona, President of Dream Closet Winona, Communication Specialist for AdFed, and Social Media Chair for her sorority. All in all, Gabriella is a free spirit always trying to have a good time.