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Mikki Berscheit ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Name: Mikki Berscheit

Age: 20

Hometown: Becker MN

Major: Public Relations Minor: Marketing

Relationship Status: In a relationship

This week’s campus cutie is an adorable and friendly sophomore who always has a smile on her face! Meet Mikki, she loves to hang out with her friends and family and play soccer. You can also catch her at insanity almost every Tuesday and Thursday at the wellness center.

HC (Her Campus): What are three words that describe yourself?

MB (Mikki Berscheit): Creative, outgoing, organized


HC: What food can you not live without?

MB: Mashed potatoes


HC: What emoji best describes you?

MB: The big cheesy smiley face that shows teeth because it can either show someone is really excited and happy or they are being sarcastic, which I can be both!


HC: What is your biggest fear?

MB: Having a bunch of insects crawl on me. I hate the feeling of a bug on my skin.


HC: What is your dream job?

MB: My dream job is to work with special needs kids or adults!


HC: Describe to us your perfect date.

MB: My perfect date would be to have the guy plan everything out. I am a person who is very organized and tries to plan everything so to have the guy plan the day out would be the best!


HC: What are you involved in on campus?

MB: I am an ambassador for the Winona State Love Your Melon crew and in PRSSA, which is a club for my major. I also attend the fitness class Insanity on campus in hopes of possibly teaching it next semester!

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

MB: My celebrity crush is Josh Duhamel.


HC: How does it feel to be nominated as Campus Cutie?

MB: It feels pretty cool to be nominated, I didn’t know much about it until now so it is not only cool to be nominated, but also to learn more about it!

Hannah Ingebrand is a Winona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and a Psychology minor. Hannah is equal parts homebody and adventurer. She craves travel and her heart was left in Paris years ago. She is in love with love, handwritten letters and all. Hannah believes in making meaningful connections with people and embracing different cultures. Her obsession with Pinterest only fuels her love for polar bears, French bulldogs, and all things fashion.