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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

I can admit this freely, I have always been a die-hard romantic comedy fan. They are my guilty pleasure. Give me a cheesy movie, a box of cookie dough bites, and I’m set for a few hours. I admit that the genre definitely doesn’t appeal to everyone, including my loving boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find some appeal in the exaggerated love of fictional characters. 



The main things I love about romantic comedies are the ways that they can make people feel the genuine enjoyment you get while watching a story play out. They allow people to escape from reality for a little bit to places (or even other worlds) where all your love interests are smoking hot, and you’re surrounded by a group of supportive friends. It’s the laughs and romantic gestures that make women swoon, including me; the attachments that you form with characters after watching the same movie over and over that make it all a special experience. Everyone has that one male lead from a romantic comedy that they grew up loving or have come to adore over their life (at least in my case). For me, some of my favorite classic leading men are Wesley from Princess Bride, Mark Ruffalo in 13 Going on 30 and Tom Hanks in every romantic comedy he’s been in. Let’s be honest, how can you not love a young Mark Ruffalo?



That’s not to say that there aren’t many great leading ladies out there. Romantic comedies tend to be one of the only places where women can showcase themselves as dynamic characters. They are building their careers, cherishing their friendships,and coping with their own struggles in their lives. These movies can empower and motivate us to strive for something better including ditching a lousy boyfriend. Rom-coms are a genre mainly aimed towards women, so in many cases, it is one where we can also showcase the best of us. 



Here are some of the highlights of the genre that you’ll definitely want to check it out if you haven’t already seen them: 

  • Legally Blonde 
  • When Harry Met Sally 
  • Moonstruck 
  • The Big Sick 

Legally Blonde always leaves me wishing I could be determined as Elle Woods (you can find it on Amazon). When Harry Met Sally is a classic that features the talents of Billy Crystal, a less likely leading man, and Meg Ryan. It features different cameos from real-life couples that have found long-lasting love in unlikely places like our main characters. It can also be found on Amazon and other streaming platforms. Moonstruck stars the iconic Cher and Nicolas Cage. It centers around an Italian family and their experiences with love and all its complications. It can be found on Amazon or Starz. Finally, The Big Sick is a newer movie that is centered around actors Kumail Nanjani and Zoe Kazan. They are less familiar faces to the genre who bring an interesting storyline to the big screen. It is one of the funniest romantic comedies I’ve seen in a while and it tells the true story of Nanjani’s romance with his wife in real life. You can find this gem on Amazon and YouTube.


Whether you’re a lover or a hater of the genre, don’t be afraid to dip your toe in and give rom-coms a try. You may go in expecting a stereotypical romance and then find yourself pleasantly surprised. It is a genre for anybody that has a taste for something sweeter in their day to day life. Speaking of taste, I think it’s time to make some popcorn!




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Hi, I'm Isabella. I'm an aspiring writer and an avid reader. I'm most at home reading a new book with my dogs by my side. I'm just starting out at Winona this year as a Senior and it's already turning out to be a good year.
| 2018-20 Club President/Campus Correspondent | Hailey Seipel is a senior at Winona State University who is studying Applied & Professional Writing and Journalism. She has been passionate about writing ever since she was little, and a dream of hers is to author poetry, sci-fi and romance novels. Until then, she is interested in working as a creative/blog writer, technical editor or project coordinator after graduating. In her free time, Hailey enjoys listening to music and reading leisurely.