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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Last year, Winona State had the pleasure of having two very strong and courageous women start a Her Campus chapter. These two ladies have conquered odds within school and post-graduation life. Her Campus Winona wanted to thank these two ladies for creating such a special part of our college lives and for making Her Campus Winona State possible!

Her Campus: What made you start a Winona State Chapter for Her Campus?

Miranda Soukup (MS): I saw my very first Her Campus article from an old high school friend who writes for Her Campus Stout. I was extremely impressed with her writing and it all snowballed from there after me and a few friends decided it would be fun to run our own campus wide blog!

Katie Schlaikowski (KS): When Miranda approached me with the idea, I was all in. It was the perfect opportunity to start something that Winona State hadn’t had yet – a club for the entire student body. We were able to bring writers, social media mavens and editors alike for a purpose directed at our peers. We were able to involve the entire campus, interview people we normally wouldn’t meet, create a club that turned into friends, and disperse killer articles across social platforms.


HC: What did Her Campus teach you?

MS: Her Campus taught me to work hard for what you want. Sometimes it was really hard; people wouldn’t get their articles in on time, having to meet deadlines for national HC, and jumping through all the hoops to be an official club on campus. I could have easily given up, but it was my baby. I wanted it to succeed and I wanted other people to be able to enjoy something that I built, even if it means putting in all the extra hours on your own (and not being paid for it).

KS: Her Campus taught me how to be a leader, how to get sh*t done and how to complete a project from start to finish. Initially, it was up to Miranda and I to recruit members, seek active involvement, brainstorm article topics and run the club. It wasn’t long until we had an entire team behind us, which made our job a helluva lot easier. Thanks everyone!


HC: What do you miss most about Her Campus?

MS: I MISS OUR HC FAM! I absolutely loved the friendships that came from Her Campus. It wasn’t like other clubs that I was a part of. HC is so collaborative that it allows you to share ideas and experiences, as well as just chat about the campus gossip. Coming to the HC meetings was like meeting with 30 of my best friends once a week and writing about the things that entertain us, which the rest of the campus gets to enjoy as well.

KS: The members! You know how you drag your feet about going to certain club meetings? Her Campus was never like that. It was an educated social hour with some of the most motivated, ambitious gals (and guys) around. Weekly meetings, team outings and everything in-between was a grand ole time!

(Guys we are clearly loved!)

HC: What has been the best experience you have had after graduation both job wise and lifestyle?

MS: The summer after graduation I road tripped out to a music festival in Delaware with two of my best friends (sup, Katie). Nothing makes you feel as free and adventurous as a road trip and kick ass music. It gave me the perfect celebratory break after leaving school, and before jumping back into a 9-5.

KS: Backpacking Europe, of course. I was fortunate enough to have a stellar boss who allowed me to go on my trip before hiring me full-time. It’s not often you get that lucky. Still, time and time again, I would suggest traveling before entering the workforce. Whether it’s a weeklong cross-country trip, or a few months backpacking abroad, take advantage of the grace period. After graduation you have 6 months to live before student loans hit you (literally slap you in the face), so enjoy the grace period, travel and then get out there and take the world by storm!


HC: What do you miss most about the college life?

MS: Smaug food. No, just kidding. But I do miss the Smaug, because it was filled with my friends. And if we weren’t at the Smaug, we were at Gabby’s. Can we all just move back and stay there forever?

KS: The people, the people, the people. I could say that on repeat for years. It’s a treat to live a block down from your best friends, live in such a picturesque place, have supportive professors and know a large majority of the people surrounding you. I may be biased, but college life at Winona is just about the best experience, ever.


HC: What was your most memorable moment of WSU?

MS: The Zombie Pub Crawl. Hands down my favorite day in all four years I spent in Winona. My friends and I all dressed up as zombie grandmas; walkers and curlers included. We spent the entire day and night in character.

KS: One word: Gabby’s. Ha, I had to. Seriously though, every memory at Gabs is a good one.

HC: Any advice for us seniors graduating in just a few weeks?

MS: Don’t settle for anything. I know this seems like a simple and overused concept, but settling is just allowing yourself to accept a less than desirable version of what you want your life to be. Don’t settle on a job. Don’t settle on the city you live in. Don’t settle on your love life. It is crucial to be selfish at this stage in your life.

KS: You’re going to feel lost, you’re going experience a sh*t ton of uncertainty and you’re going to have high expectations of your first job. Just remember, most twenty-somethings feel the exact same way as you. Embrace the uncertainty. Find a hobby outside of binge drinking and watching Netflix. And for when you’re really lost, read The Defining Decade—I promise it’ll help.


Thanks to these two ladies for starting our awesome chapter! Ps. Winona misses you too, come back to us! HCXO

Public Relations student at Winona State University. Dreams of moving down south to work in music and find the cowboy of my dreams! Love dogs more then life.
Hannah Ingebrand is a Winona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and a Psychology minor. Hannah is equal parts homebody and adventurer. She craves travel and her heart was left in Paris years ago. She is in love with love, handwritten letters and all. Hannah believes in making meaningful connections with people and embracing different cultures. Her obsession with Pinterest only fuels her love for polar bears, French bulldogs, and all things fashion.