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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

I was skimming through my articles when I realized that I have not added to my “Emily Listens to …” series in a while. These articles are one of my favorites to write so when I was debating on what song or album to do, I settled on Avery Lynch’s most recent EP, When It Ends. 

Avery Lynch is an artist that I have only recently begun listening to, and I have found myself adding her to all my playlists. The 21-year-old TikToker is a student at Berklee College of Music and released her first EP in 2020. Although she is a newer artist, that in no way shows itself in her lyrical or melodic abilities. Lynch sometimes uses comments on her videos to create stories for her songs, but the singer-songwriter mostly writes from personal experience in a way that seems fresh and new. Not only do her lyrics tell tragically beautiful stories but listeners can walk through heartbreak and new love in tandem with Lynch. 

Keep scrolling for a peek into her newest EP, When It Ends.

1. “The Closest To That”

Although it is difficult for me to pick favorites on this EP, I think I would have to pick this one. When you pair Lynch’s raw lyrics with her effortless rhymes, you get a beautiful and heartbreaking masterpiece that hurts when listened to. This song picks at the idea of the anxiety and doubt that can accompany a new (or old) relationship. Lynch softly sings, “But I’m convinced that someone’s gonna want you / And I’m scared that then she’ll be the better other half of you.” A soft piano trails after her voice as she tells the story of young love almost too perfectly. 

2. “I Lied”

This song could almost play as an internal monologue due to the vulnerable and conversational feel of the lyrics and tone. Several of the songs on this EP seem to focus on the same relationship and this one fits into the pattern. Lynch reflects on the time when things between her and her lover ended. She sings: “I said like seven times / To your eyes / ‘I’ll be fine’ / I know I said goodbye but what if I lied.” The idea of wanting someone back is not a new concept but Lynch’s raw and honest lyrics make listeners take her words in as if this were the first time this story was told—or at least it made me feel that way.

3. “Round & Round” 

The piano and Lynch’s sweet voice are what make this song so good. The title is “Round & Round” and that is exactly how this song feels. Not only do the lyrics seem to go in circles but the up and down of her voice makes this feel all the more dizzying. The first few lines of the song introduce the tone as she says, “I told you / You bring out sides of me that need you / And that’d be cool if you / Ever needed me like that.” However beautiful the first lines are, my favorite ones have to be “You’re the prettiest mistake I’ll ever let myself make / Yea you’re the person I most hate but I can’t let get away.”

4. “Over It”

This song reminds me so much of Julia Michaels’ work and I think for good reason. The upbeat music paired with soft vocals is a Michaels trademark but it works so well for this song. I am a sucker for contrasts and this song is exactly that. She writes about her ex-lover not being over it as she sings, “‘Cause you tell me that you moved on but I don’t think you did / ‘Cause someone who’s moved on won’t hold on like this.” The simple act of including this story in her EP goes against her claim that she is “over it” but that almost makes me love this song more. Lynch is also a Queen at wordplay and that is no different in this song, “Think I missed it / When I said that there’s something missing / Since we ended, that I’ve been a mess.” The repetition of the word “miss” adds a certain feel to the song that is often found within wordplay.

5. “When It Ends”

Although this song falls at the end of my list, I still adore it in every way. Honestly, this song makes me a little too sad and because of that, I can not listen to it quite as often as the other ones. This is the only collaboration within this EP but Jordy and Lynch’s voices intertwine in such a soft and natural way it almost sounds like one voice. This was no accident as it follows the feel of the song and the story that is told. The lyrics remain as soft and heartbreaking as the voices that sing them, “We let ourselves say the things we shouldn’t / Cause those are the words that’ll make it harder when it ends.” The feel of this song is confessional in a way that seems unique to Lynch’s style and it offers a clear and relatable end to her second EP.

6. “Sh*t People”

This song is at the end of my list simply because of its content difference when compared to the others. This is the first song on the EP, so it makes sense that it is a slightly more upbeat story but it seems to stick out in the tale it tells. However, the confessional feeling of Lynch’s writing style is present and I love that aspect of it. This song offers a reflection of Lynch as a person and describes the toxic environment surrounding her. By the end of the song, listeners can assume that she is better off without these sh*t people. She sings that “I’m so busy trying to please people, I leave me on the side / But I have some people who’d hear that and cry.” This paints a picture of Lynch’s life and gives insight into her as a person and the people she is surrounded by. The feeling of this tale is relatable in a way that is much softer than her other songs, which sometimes can be a much-needed relief.
Avery Lynch is a new singer and songwriter but she is definitely someone you should be looking out for. She constantly seems to be working on new projects so stay tuned for her next one. If you haven’t already, go add her on Spotify or Apple Music and join me in some great tunes. Also, follow her on TikTok @avelynch!

My name is Emily Venné and I am a junior at Winona State University. I am double majoring in Literature and Language and also Writing Option. When my nose isn't buried in a book, I am either writing, hanging out with friends, or binge-watching my favorite tv shows. I dream of one day working in either publishing or editing, and maybe even writing a book of my own. <3