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Check Yourself & Respect Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Our friends, jobs, classes, and significant others will come and go throughout our lives, but one thing will always remain: you. Then why do we continue to have the tendency to treat ourselves so poorly? As college students we tend to stay awake all hours of the night, excessively eat take-out pizza, drink an intense amount of soda and avoid physical exercise at all costs. Walking past the IWC with our heads down, binging on Netflix until 3 am and reaching for a soda to wake us up is a common occurrence throughout campus.

As humans, we don’t want to be selfish; so we put others first. In my opinion, sometimes you need to take a step back and ask yourself: what does my body need? Does it need a nap after class instead of a Netflix binge? Does it need a cup of green tea instead of that Pepsi? Here are some tips that may help you improve your well being this semester.

Prep for Good Sleep

When I get home from the library at night, I’m tempted to collapse in bed with my backpack still on. I found that taking a few minutes to read my favorite magazine or putting on a facemask helps me to relax. This helps me clear my mind so that I don’t have nightmares about economics. Although scrolling through Instagram and/or Twitter may also help, I found that this has the possibility of stressing me out even more, making me feel like I missed out on another wing night at our local restaurant here in Winona.

I Work Out

Walking to the gym can be a drag but I promise you once you get there, you won’t be dying to leave. “I’m so mad I worked out today,” said no one ever. Yoga classes are always a plus too!

Light a Candle

The dim lighting and good smelling aroma can help put your mind at ease. Take five minutes every day to sit and relax. It will do wonders for your ego! (Not to mention mask your dirty laundry smell infused room.)



Lose Yourself in the Music

Lets face it: college students are extremely busy, so even time in the car could be a possible escape to relax. Fill your phone with new music and hit the road. Nothing is more relaxing then letting go and listening to your new favorite song 86 times in a row.

It’s Tea Time

The health benefits of tea are through the roof. This antioxidant packed drink hydrates your body (even despite the caffeine!) Just make sure that the tea you drink is green, black, white or oolong. These four types give the best health benefits! Kick back and read your magazine with a cup of tea to relax!


Water is Your BFF

Water is the most overlooked health benefit. Drinking more water does wonders for your mind, body and spirit. Make it a priority to fill up your water bottle at least once a day, and finish it! Eventually, you’ll do this out of consciousness.

So there you have it! Try to incorporate some of these tips into your lifestyle this semester for a better you!

Hanna Leadstrom is a student at Winona State University studying mass communication with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in marketing. You can often find her working out, blogging, sipping on a cup of jo and day dreaming of travel. She enjoys the little things in life and is a firm believer in a "work hard, play hard" life motto.
Katie is an avid wine connoisseur with an appetite for travel, journaling, a loaded bloody mary and of course, persuading the masses with the help of her PR education. Her current passions reside in creating trendy outfits at T.J.Maxx, rocking her Birkenstocks, finding new Indie artists and daydreaming about backpacking after graduation. She is a firm believer in equality and finding peace within society. She is always down for a fun time, while being fabulous and fierce.