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Blessed Is an Understatement: Here’s a Look at My Favorite People I Met in 2019

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

When it comes to the holiday season, I tend to get nostalgic. With the year ending and spending time with family and friends, there is plenty of time to reminisce about all the good memories created over the past 365 days. When reflecting on 2019, one of the biggest aspects I am thankful for are the relationships I built with great people. I value my friendships deeply, and this year has been the best in terms of finding “my people”.


The first friendship I’d like to highlight is one of the most important: my roommate Kaitlyn. We met the first semester of our freshman year of college but didn’t get close until the middle of the second semester. Though we lived on the same dorm floor and had a class together, we didn’t hang out a lot. Looking back now, I don’t even know how we became so close. I asked Kate if she remembered and she said, “I think we were both fed up with being bored so we decided to be weird together.” Honestly, this is true, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


When we’re together, it’s always a party: whether we’re going to Walmart for no real reason, eating mashed potatoes, or staying in the Student Senate office until midnight, we make everything exciting. Aside from our weird shenanigans, I believe we both push each other to be the best we can be. Many times, I’ve been afraid to talk with friends about real and raw topics, which has led to a decline in those friendships. With Kate, we have lots of meaningful conversations, and though we don’t always agree, I appreciate her willingness to listen to my opinions and what I have to say. 


The next person I’m thankful that I met this year is one of my best friends Tiegue. She’s also a member of Her Campus, and we have gotten very close over the past year. One of my favorite stories to tell is how Tiegue and I met: Kate and I were studying for an upcoming geology exam in the library freshman year. Apparently, we were being obnoxiously vocal about the class because Tiegue came up to us. She was alone, and she asked if we were in Catastrophes and Extinctions. After we said yes, she asked if she could study with us, and the rest is history. 


Even though we weren’t close at first, I immediately knew after talking with her that she was going to be in my life forever. She’s one of those people that radiates light and happiness and I appreciate her energy so much! She always checks in to ask how my day is going and how I’m doing. I have found that many times when people ask these questions, they just ask to be nice, but Tiegue has a genuine interest and is always there to listen. I am beyond thankful to have this beautiful soul in my life!


This third friend is someone who I haven’t known for long, but I am confident she will become one of my closest friends. Cassidy is hands down the sweetest and most genuine person I have ever met. From the moment we started talking, she has blown me away with her positive outlook on life. I aspire to be just like her! Her love for the Lord radiates through her and that makes me so excited to talk with her. Cassidy and I have gone to the same church for the past year and have mutual friends, but we didn’t actually start talking until an event that just happened at our church. That morning, I walked into Pleasant Valley extremely tired, and I almost considered not volunteering, but I am so glad I decided to. Cassidy’s smiling face welcomed me that morning, just like she does each time I see her on campus. I can’t wait to continue to grow in faith and friendship with her! 


Lastly, Nikki, Sarah and Haley have played one of the biggest roles in my life this past year. They encouraged me to come with them to H2O, a college ministry on campus. Ever since they invited me to go, my faith has skyrocketed, and I am so beyond thankful. One of my favorite things I got to do during my freshman year was get re-baptized. 


On a Monday night at H2O, there were baptisms scheduled, but I didn’t sign up. After the scheduled people went, they opened it up to anyone. During worship, I felt my heart beating out of my chest. I ignored it for a song or two, but I soon realized I couldn’t overlook the feeling. I turned to Haley and she was crying. It was then that I realized I was going to be baptized, and so was Haley. We got to experience this huge moment together with Nikki and Sarah cheering us on. I am so blessed to have such encouraging friends who help guide me in the right direction. 


Overall, I can’t imagine my life without these lovely people. They make my days so good, and I’m blessed to have these amazing girls by my side at college. 




Julia Anzelc

Winona '22

Hi! My name is Julia and I'm a sophomore majoring in Communication Studies at Winona State University!