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AMA’s Semi-Annual Bags Tournament

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

The American Marketing Association, or AMA, collegiate chapter on campus at Winona State University is a College of Business organization open to anyone with an interest in marketing. The club is most known for their bags tournament they host every semester that pulls in well over 200 participants and even more spectators. Besides the fact that most of this is put on by marketing students that know how to leverage effective marketing, how do they do the rest? Everything from event planning, social media, management, administration, customer service, public relations, advertising, finance, accounting, buying, sales, and recruitment only scrape the surface of everything else AMA does to put together the Semi-Annual Bags Tournament. I reached out to the Executive Board of AMA to find out a bit more of how they put together such a successful event.

Her Campus: What is the Semi-Annual Bags Tournament? 

Colton Wright, AMA President: It is a fundraiser for AMA and an opportunity for us to provide a fun, social event for all WSU students.


HC: Who does the event benefit? 

CW: The event benefits the AMA members. These funds are used to send members to conferences across the nation where they can meet and work with some top professionals in the world. 


HC: Who would you say allows for this event to happen? Or makes it successful? 

CW: The WSU students. This event is for them and put together by them. This is an opportunity for them to get outside, step outside of the classroom and relax a little bit. 

Marissa Williams, AMA Treasurer: AMA members put in countless hours of work to make the Bags tournament a success, it could not happen without them. The overall success of the event comes from the WSU students that compete or come to watch – the day is always more fun when there are a lot of people!

HC: So, why bags? 

CW: It is a fun team-oriented game that you don’t have to be that great at to have a good time. 

MW: Bags is a Midwest family favorite; many students around campus grew up playing the game, so this gives those students a chance to show off their 20+ years of experience. It also gives non-midwesterners and international students the chance to try a game that is easy to learn a fun to play!Allie Wrich, AMA VP of Advertising: Bags tournaments are such a fun, laid back, easy going yet sometimes competitive atmosphere where everyone can get involved and hang out outside of classes.


HC: How many tournaments have there been in the past? 

CW: This is going to be our 5th tournament. We have one every fall and spring semester. 


HC: What has been some success stories from the past tournaments? 

CW: Last spring, we had over 300 people in attendance at the bags with a 96 team bracket, becoming one of the biggest social events on campus. 

MW: I think any team that has managed to beat Dr. Newberry’s team is a success in the E-board’s book! Newberry is really good at bags.

HC: What is going to make this spring 2016 Semi-Annual Bags Tournament different from the rest? 

CW: We are going all out with this one. We have bigger prizes ranging from $125 to Twins tickets, to signed Wild gear. Side events are a new aspect for other attendees not participating in the tournament, that just came out to spectate or cheer on their friends, they will have something to enjoy. There will be some good food to enjoy as well. 


HC: What do you look forward to most? 

CW: The competitive drive coming out of people. You get to see everyone outside of the classroom in a different light. People you wouldn’t think are competitive show their true colors and get competitive with their peers. 

MW: I really enjoy seeing people from different majors and social groups interacting and having a good time together. The bags tournament gives people a chance to hang out with students they normally wouldn’t see or interact with on campus.

AW: It’s hard to get so many students together for something that isn’t school related, so I’m just excited to see so many people just enjoying themselves and taking a break from the stress of classes this time of year. I’m also hoping to kick some bags butt myself!


HC: Where can our readers find out more information about AMA & the Semi-Annual Bags Tournament?

CW: On our website, http://www.winonastateama.com/. Or, on our Facebook event page, https://www.facebook.com/events/817497898375607/. Also, we are tabling in Krysko M-F 11am-2pm.

There you have it; the secret to a successful event, straight from the E-Board AMA members themselves. Not only do they think they put on a great event, they know it too. This AMA chapter was recently recognized for ‘Outstanding Chapter Planning’ at their national conference back in March, which was hosted in New Orleans, Louisiana. Plus, Garrett Lieffring was ranked 4th in the nation for sales student of the year at this same conference. Alright, I see you AMA. I see you. But, the true test, are your members just as good at playing bags as they are at planning the Bags Tournament? Find out April 23rd!

Meet Nicole Knutson: Originally from Rochester, Minnesota, this senior is majoring in marketing at Winona State University. Between Her Campus, AMA, and classes, she tends to be working at Caribou Coffee while most of you are probably still sleeping, then working for athletics on the weekends. During what seems to be rare spare time, she enjoys being with her friends and roommates, watching her favorite shows or movies, or working out at the IWC. Once post-college life hits, she aspires to move out to a big city to pursue her marketing career. Until then, she loves calling Winona home.
Meet our writer Courtney D. Jones! Courtney is a junior at Winona State University majoring in Mass Communications- Advertising. She is consistently busy juggling school, working two jobs, and on the recruitment committee for Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, so coffee is a necessity. But not just any coffee, it must be Starbucks Blonde Roast, with a dash of peppermint mocha creamer and a fourth of a packet of sugar. She has a die-hard love for all things beauty and fashion, and dreams of owning everything on her Pinterest boards one day. With her bright and bubbly personality, she loves meeting new people and sharing a good laugh. As a Chicago native, her happy place consists of drinking a cold microbrew with her favorite Giordano’s deep-dish pizza while watching her beloved Bears team.